The Republic of Indonesia hosted the 12th meeting of the Director General and Expert Working Group on Civil Aviation from October 20-21, 2022, in Bali, Indonesia.
The meeting was attended by officials and experts from the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the Republic of Turkey.
The meeting was opened by Ibu Maria Kristi Endah, Senior Advisor to the Minister for Safety and Connectivity, Ministry of Transportation, who delivered her remarks, followed by Bapak Dubes Tri Tharyat, Director General of Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam, Secretary General of D-8.
This Experts on Civil Aviation meeting convened following the COVID-19 to share their countries’ experiences, policies, and legislation in place to deal with the Pandemic.
The experts comprehensively debate the ways and means of further enhancing aviation cooperation, which has a direct impact on the growth of trade and economy among Member States.
The experts updated the meeting on the work of the task forces and their interactions to further advance the agenda of the cooperation in Aviation Sector. furthermore, the Member states also proposed scheduling task force meetings on regular intervals such as on quarter or biannual basis to streamline the task forces’ work and collaboration.
Private Sector from the Aviation Industry also made their presentations at the meeting:
Iter Aero Industri of Indonesia gave a presentation on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.
PT Dirgantara Indonesia made a presentation on prospective D-8 connection. They also proposed for the formation of a partnership between PT Dirgantara Indonesia and the D-8 countries.
PT Dirgantara Indonesia also urged that the D-8 Member States develop a collaborative aircraft certification program, showing its willingness to share its expertise, knowledge, and information on its operations with the D-8 Countries.
CEO of PT GMF Aero Asia (Garuda Indonesia Group) made a presentation on for Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry cooperation.
The Chair concluded the meeting by expressing her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all delegations for their participation and productive discussions.