Industrial Cooperation » Automotive
- Association: To establish "D-8 AUTOMOTIVE ASSOCIATION" for the purpose of promoting the automotive industry in D-8 Member States
- Market: Exploiting business opportunities in any emerging auto markets, including D-8, through market study, country's capability study, and etc.
- Regional Market: Streamlining technical regulation to avoid non-tariff barriers and to establish mechanisms gradually to prepare regional common market
- R&D: To promote R&D and technology development joint activities especially in the areas of renewable energy, CNG, Hybrid and electric vehicles, new materials and etc.
- Supply Chain: Development of integrated supply chain to promote outsourcing parts and components from D-8 potential by multilateral industrial cooperation
- Joint Vehicle Production: Design and manufacture a common brand through making an affordable car in line with technical legislation named as project of "D-8 Joint Product Development" for the global market taking into accounts the potential and the capabilities of D-8 Member States
- Investment Fund: To develop a regional investment fund providing incentives to promote joint investment, R&D activities and etc.
1. In line with the initiation of Task Forces under WGIC, the proposal to identify the TFs was raised during the Fourth Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) on 10-12 November 2008, Bali-Indonesia.
After having and intensive discussion and exchange of views, the meeting agreed to strengthen future cooperation through Task Forces:
- Automotive (Coordinator: Iran, Egypt, and Indonesia)
- Energy, Power Sector and Conservation (Coordinator: Turkey, Nigeria)
- Food production through Mechanization (Coordinator: Malaysia)
- Cooperation/Transfer of Technology (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- Petrochemicals and Fertilizer (Coordinator: Indonesia, Iran)
- Cement (Coordinator: Iran)
- Steel (Coordinator: Iran)
- Textile (Coordinator: Egypt, Indonesia)
- Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- SMEs (Coordinator: Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria)
- Electronics and IT (Coordinator: Malaysia)
During this meeting, the private sector of Indonesia, Turkey and Iran has signed a Minute of Meeting to facilitate cooperation through a long-term program on Automotive Industry. A joint working group will be established to develop the long-term cooperation.
2nd D-8 Task Force Meeting on Automotive Industrial Cooperation which was held on 09 0ctober 2012 in Dhaka-Bangladesh the following Decisions are taken based on detail discussion by the deligates. The Decisions taken on the automotive task force are mentioned below:
- There should be one Focal Point by designation from each of the D-8 countries; they will maintain communication with each other. Bangladesh will be responsible for communicating with all Country Focal Points within a month.
- The quarterly progress of the decisions have been taken on 7th Meeting of the working group should be followed by the Focal Point.
- Automotive Working Group proposes D-8 Secretariat should be established to follow up the issues and effective implementation of the decisions.
- To establish “D-8 Automotive Association – responsible country, “Turkey”
- More attention should be paid to B2B cooperation – responsible country, “Turkey”
- Streamlining technical and administrative regulation to avoid non-tariff barriers – responsible country, “Turkey”
- To promote R&D and technology development and cooperation – responsible country, “Turkey”
- Focal point network ( group email) should be established to develop a communication mechanism by Turkey within two months. All the issues should carry forward.
- Exploiting business opportunities through market survey in emerging auto markets including D-8 Countries – responsible country, “Iran”
- Designed template of market survey is developed and delivered to the delegates and it will be uploaded on the website after collecting remarks and suggestions and information from the D-8 country members within next two months.
- D-8 automotive website should be established – responsible country, IRAN
- Website is designed; it will be launched after one month after getting feedback from the D-8 member countries.
- Design and manufacture a common platform for regional and national brands as project of “D-8 joint product development.” – responsible country, “Iran”
- •After conducting the market survey and forming B2B cooperation, the issue will be addressed.
- Development of integrated supply chain – responsible country, “Indonesia.”
- No information about the progress. The Focal Point of Bangladesh will communicate with the Focal Point of Indonesia and will inform others.
- The regional D-8 automotive Industries Associations should participate in UN/ECE activities – responsible country – Egypt
- Egypt will prepare a format for collecting relevant information from member countries; every country will send their existing information regarding environmental, safety and other standards relating to automotive sector.
3.Compilation of Tariff Regime of D-8 countries – responsible country by Pakistan
Every member country will send relevant information to the Focal Point of Bangladesh; after compilation of collected data for harmonization from all D-8 countries, it will send to the Focal Point of Turkey to upload this information on the official website within three months.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Automotive of the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 26-27 January 2015, Tehran, Iran are as follows:
- To upload the focal points information, contact details and Member States’ automotive information in the D-8 website on automotive.
- The Focal Point should take necessary follow-up action agreed in the 3rd Ministerial Meeting in Dhaka.
- Establishment of D-8 automotive association should be pursued by private sector (for example OSD, IVMA and others) under umbrella of the D-8 FCCI.
- Turkey will prepare technical and administrative regulations to avoid non-tariff barriers and submit to the D-8 secretariat.
- Design and manufacture a common platform for regional and national brands as project of “D-8 Joint Product Development.”
- The regional D-8 automotive Industries Associations should participate in UN/ECE activities and Member States to send their existing information regarding environmental, safety and other standards relating to automotive sector.
- Compilation of tariff regime of D-8 Member States by Pakistan and of Iran will upload this information on the official website within three months.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Automotive of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 09-10 May 2016, Cairo, Egypt are as follows:
- All the Member States should make best use of D-8 Automotive website ( established by Iran. Focal Persons of all Member States would be allowed to upload the information of their countries directly to the website.
- D-8 Automotive Association will be established and a survey to check maximum benefit of such D8 Automotive Association based on the existing Associations.
- Publish Supply Industries on
- To establish a D-8 automotive R&D center, D8 Vocational training school.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Automotive of the 6th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation held on 14- 16 November 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria are as follows:
• The meeting agreed that as a first step, Iran would continue handling the upload of
information on the websites for all D-8 Member States.
• All other member states should appoint and introduce their focal points to Iran through D-
8 Secretariat within the next 3 months. Iran would then convey username and password to
the respective focal points for uploading on the website.
• The D8 secretariat should create a link to the Automotive task force website in D-8 website.
• The meeting noted that Turkey is processing information received from Pakistan, Egypt
and Bangladesh. The rest of the Member States should submit their survey to Turkey within
3 months to enable Turkey arrive at a decision within 6 months.
• The meeting agreed that the issue of Tariff should be handled at the meeting of the
appropriate Ministries of each member state for clear definition on Tariff.
• Focal points would add to the automotive website existing database of Industry & Auto
Feeding Industries. Indonesia shall complete the Task within 3 months after receiving
access to the website.
• Iran, Malaysia and Turkey would publish on the website R&D centers in their countries
and their capabilities to support other States’ industries. The meeting observed that Iran
and Turkey have already published, Malaysia should publish within 3 months.
• The meeting agreed that there should be better communication plan across the Member
• Turkey plans to organize an International Automotive Engineering Conference from 1st –
2nd November 2018 and COMVEX fair from 23rd -26th November, 2018 in Istanbul.
• Iran also plans to organize an Automotive International Supplier chain management
conference from 14th –15th of February 2018.
• Egypt would establish a D-8 automotive R&D center and D-8 vocational training school;
The meeting noted that Egypt would provide a progress report in the first quarter of 2018.
• Turkey offered support to all D-8 Member States in Test Centers and training on UN/ECE