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The Islamic Republic of Iran hosted the First D-8 Tourism Investment Forum in Tehran on 2 March 2009. The Forum agreed on the followings:
- Given the existence of capacities of the member countries in the area of tourism investment, the Group proposed that the Secretariat should prepare a complete report about challenges, barriers and capacities of tourism cooperation within the D-8 member countries and provide it to the members. Member countries are invited to provide relevant information in this regard to the Secretariat within three months.
- The Forum agreed that the functions of D-8 tourism investment fund should include, inter alias, supporting activities such as :
- financial support for operationalizing data bank
- capacity enhancement and training on Tourism.
- providing part of the loan facilities interest rates, extracted from the execution of the investment project.
- The member countries agreed on establishing Data Bank for Investment in Tourism Industry, and asked the Secretariat to prepare the unified format of compiling related information and do the necessary arrangements for insertion of the said information into the D-8 website. In this regard, the member countries are requested to send their proposals to the Secretariat.
- On possibility of having a Joint Tourism Investment Company, Member Countries agreed to forward their views on the establishment of a mechanism to assist private sectors to find out suitable projects to invest. The member countries are invited to provide relevant information and suggestions to the Secretariat then the Secretariat with the assistance of Turkey will compile and circulate for the consideration by next meeting.
- On the Rules and Regulations governing investment in Tourism Industry, the meeting agreed that member countries are requested to submit their relevant regulations to the Secretariat and the latter is called upon to prepare a comparative report on common regulations facilitating investments in D-8 within three months.
- The meeting welcomed the offer of the Islamic Republic of Iran to prepare a study report on the possibility of the reduction of tariffs for handicrafts and cultural products within D-8.
- The Forum agreed to provide their views on the Tourism Action Plan based on D-8 10 year Road Map regarding tourism to the Secretariat to be circulated among member countries for consideration of the next meeting.
- The meeting agreed on the proposal made by Iran to conduct a joint marketing, investment and destination management system within D-8.
2nd D-8 Meeting on Tourism Cooperation 1-2 July 2013 Tehran-Iran
The Meeting, after considering wide variety of issues relating to opportunities and capacities in following up tourism cooperation between member countries, reviewed the progress made in the implementation of Tehran Declaration on Tourism Cooperation adopted in the 1st D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Tourism, held in May 2008 in Tehran. A thorough consideration of issues elaborated in Tehran Declaration, including following areas was held:
- Increase total arrivals, income and accommodation
- Feasibility of Tourism Fund within D-8 Organization
- Facilitation of Visa Issuance
- Role of SMEs in tourism cooperation
- Broadcasting of weekly TV Programs
- Feasibility of establishing Tourism House
- Eco-tourism initiatives and potentials
- Health tourism
- Establishing a Working Group to prepare a 10 year action plan
- Holding Tourism Ministerial Meetings
- Airline synergy and frequent flights
Discussion on the Development of Health Tourism among Member States
Most Delegations elaborated their reports on their capacities and programs on enhancement of health tourism in their respective countries while delivering their data and information on supply and demand of health tourism services, common markets, beliefs and approaches. Requirements for expansion of the business are knowledge, medical equipment and expertise including medical proficiency. The significance of this issue would be reinforced taking into account health tourism is as a relative advantage for D-8 Member States.
Iranian Delegation informed the Meeting that OIC Health Tourism Forum will be held in Mashhad, Iran in November 2013, and invited Member States of D-8 to participate in this gathering.
The Second D-8 Ministerial and Senior Official Meeting on Tourism were held on 18-20 November 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After three days of deliberations to deepen their cooperation in the tourism sector, the D-8 Member States adopted the following documents:
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration on D-8 Tourism Cooperation 2019;
- D-8 Comprehensive Strategy on Tourism; and
- Crescent Moon Initiative
In addition, delegates from the Member States agreed on initiatives aimed at enhancing the collaboration on tourism among the D-8 Member States. These include creating the D-8 Tourism Logo, proposing to establish a D-8 project funding programme, organizing joint Tourism packages, establishing linkages between Member States’ national tourism organizations, associations and training academies as well as working together towards organizing travel fairs.
In line with current global trends, the delegates expressed their intention to embrace the application of new technologies to further integrate tourism into the digital economy. The delegates also reiterated their commitment towards sustainable and inclusive tourism development with a view to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
D-8 Tourism News:
- Developing-8 and World Tourism Forum Institute Joint Hands Together to Boost Tourism in D-8 Member States
- D-8, World Tourism Forum Institute ink agreement