Industrial Cooperation » Chemical and Petrochemicals
- To establish D-8 joint venture or joint investment petrochemical projects and providing a model of contract for feasibility studies for J-V petrochemical projects among D-8 Member States
- To establish D-8 Petrochemical Market to meet petrochemical demands produced from D-8 Member States
- To establish D-8 Petrochemical networking system and information about D-8 petrochemical industry to meet in respect of technical, knowledge/ technologies, financing, marketing, furnishing description of services, introducing sophisticated and committed contractors, consultants and vendors to D-8 J-V petrochemical projects for advisory, contribution and supervising in engineering, erection, construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up
- To establish D-8 petrochemical partnership-through joint research, development and training, manufacturing know-how for process of petrochemical products such as: urea/ammonia, methanol, methanol to propylene(MTP), methanol to olefins (MTO), propane dehydrogenation (PDH), Di-methyl Ether (DME) and synthesis gas
- To achieve production process know-how of Alfa olefins, vinyl acetate monomer (VAM), engineering polymers and propane dehydrogenation (PDH) -participation in know-how developing of DME, MTP, PDH, GTL and synthesis gas through joint investment in establishing relevant plants in the Member States
- To provide training services to D-8 Member States in the field of petrochemical industry from those D-8 Member States that have the capacity and potentials to offer these services via training courses, software, seminars, workshops and vocational training courses
1. In line with the initiation of Task Forces under WGIC, the proposal to identify the TFs was raised during the Fourth Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) on 10-12 November 2008, Bali-Indonesia.
After having and intensive discussion and exchange of views, the meeting agreed to strengthen future cooperation through Task Forces:
- Automotive (Coordinator: Iran, Egypt, and Indonesia)
- Energy, Power Sector and Conservation (Coordinator: Turkey, Nigeria)
- Food production through Mechanization (Coordinator: Malaysia)
- Cooperation/Transfer of Technology (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- Petrochemicals and Fertilizer (Coordinator: Indonesia, Iran)
- Cement (Coordinator: Iran)
- Steel (Coordinator: Iran)
- Textile (Coordinator: Egypt, Indonesia)
- Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- SMEs (Coordinator: Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria)
- Electronics and IT (Coordinator: Malaysia)
The 5th Ministerial Meeting on Industry on held 09-11 May 2016 in Cairo, change the name of the Task Force of Petrochemicals to “Task Force on Chemical and Petrochemicals”.
October 2012,The meeting agreed to make the following key recommendations:
(1) Formation of a common expert committee for D-8 member countries (hereafter called D-8 Petrochemical Expert Group). The committee will decide or propose the possible ways for the collaboration among D-8 member countries for mutual interest. Specifically the committee will coordinate, communicate, monitor, administer and supervise the implementation of any decision taken. To form the committee, all members will introduce their representatives preferably from senior management to the D-8 secretariat.
The recommended expert committee should be formed within the next three months.
It is to be noted that Iran’s petrochemical industry expressed its willingness in forming D-8 petrochemical expert group in coordination with D-8 secretariat.
(2) Formation of a petrochemical institute in Bangladesh funded by D-8 member countries.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Petrochemical of the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 26-27 January 2015, Tehran, Iran are as follows:
- The meeting decided to locate the Secretariat of the Petrochemical Association temporarily in Tehran, Iran.
- The privately-owned Association of Petrochemical Industry Cooperation (APIC) which is based in Tehran, Iran will be the focal point for further discussions and follow-up regarding the issues related to the Association.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Petrochemical of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 09-1 May 2016, Cairo, Egypt are as follows:
- The name of the Task Force is agreed to be “Task Force on Chemical and Petrochemicals”;
- The name of the association is agreed to be Petrochemicals and Downstream Industries Association;
- Headquarters of the petrochemical associations will be in Tehran till December 2016 and then moved to Cairo starting from January 2017 for the next two years in the Chamber of Chemical Industries of Egypt. (FEI Building);
- Each D-8 Member State is entitled to introduce only two entity to become a member of the Association and one of them from Petrochemicals Industries and second one is from Downstream Sector;
- The Association will elect two Vice Chairman one for Upstream and one for Downstream;
Outcomes of the Task Force on Chemical and Petrochemicals of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 14-16 November 2017, Abuja, Nigeria are as follows:
- TF agreed that the name of the task force to be Task Force on Chemical and
• TF agreed that the name of the Association to be Petrochemicals and Downstream
Industries Association.
• TF agreed to change the name Headquarters to be Secretariat in conformity with other Task
Force secretariats. And
• that the Secretariat of the Petrochemical Association remain as adopted in Cairo, Egypt.
• that Tehran be the Secretariat until 2016, and then be moved to Cairo from January, 2017
for the next two years (2017 to 2018),
• However, Egypt made a proposal to host the Secretariat from January 2018 to 2019 which
was adopted and subsequently be moved to Nigeria for the next two years thereafter – from
2020 to 2021.
• Agreed with Cairo decision that each D8 Member State is entitled to introduce only two
entities to become a member of the Association and
• one of them from Petrochemical Industries and second one from Downstream sector.
• Task force urges each member State to accelerate the nomination and forward their
nominees to the Secretariat before end of February, 2018.• The meeting was concerned on the absence of the Secretary General, Mr. Mohamed Abo
Harga of Egypt. However, the representative from Egypt provided the principle guidelines
on the formation of the Association. The Meeting also agreed on the rotational position of
the Secretary General to the next hosting country after the two-year term of the incumbent.
• The Meeting agreed that the Association will elect two Vice Chairmen, one for Upstream
and one for downstream coming from the immediate past Secretariat member state country
and the next from the potential Secretariat Member State, while the Secretariat remains
with the Incumbent Secretariat Member State.
• The meeting was in support that Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Task Force to be
• The meeting agreed that each member State to forward an official nominee as the focal
point of the Association before or on 31st December 2017.
• Egypt offered their web site to read more about the investment opportunities.
• Pakistan made a proposal to set up a Petrochemical Complex including Naphtha, natural
gas and associated gases (Ethane) and Ethanol, (molasses) preferably located in Pakistan
as a joint venture in order to share benefits from the resources available in D-8 Countries.
• The Task Force agreed that based on the interest shown by member states to collaborate
with one another, there may be the need to call for extra meeting on Chemical and
Petrochemicals to address the issues of joint ventures, collaborations, supplies of