Energy & Minerals » Renewable Energy
Given the depletable nature of conventional energy sources, renewable energy sources have come to receive increasing attention in recent decades. Electricity generation - mostly hydro and wind power and to some lesser degree solar power - is projected to steadily increase; the total share of electricity output rising from 18% in 2006 to 23% in 2030. By the year 2015 renewable energy is expected to overtake gas in electricity generation, second only to coal. The total global investment in renewable energy supply is predicted to amount to $ 5.5 trillion during the 2007-2030 period.
Interest in the renewable energy sources has gradually increased in the D-8, and the member countries have sought to enhance their bilateral and group cooperation in this field. The crux of the effort has been geared towards designing an effective, efficient and functioning project-oriented mechanism, inclusive of both public and private sectors. The Working Committee on Renewable Energy (WCRE) has been established to pursue and help implement the Organization’s decisions in this area.
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