Agriculture & Food Security » Animal Feed
- Establish a D-8 corporation to carry out R&D activities of strategic commodities in D-8 Member States
- Create centralized information sharing mechanism to facilitate systematic information collection and sharing
- Foster greater utilisation of credit facilities for food production and supply provided by international financial and lending institutions such as Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
- Facilitate trade through the harmonization of standards among D-8 Member States based on international standards
- Implement capacity building programmes through a centralized information centre
- Encourage the utilization of non-food crops for bio-fuel production
Subsequent to the KL Initiative, in the Animal Feed sub-sector, several meetings have been held by D-8 Organization as follows:
1) The 1stMeeting of D-8 Working Group on Animal Feed (WGAF) – Surabaya, Indonesia, on 7-8 October 2009.
The Meeting was aimed to follow up animal feed initiative as agreed at the D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Food Security held in February 2009 in Kuala Lumpur. The Ministerial Meeting appointed Indonesia and Malaysia as prime movers of the D-8 initiatives on Animal Feed. The main objective of this meeting is to enhance the cooperation between the public and private sectors of the D-8 member countries in animal feed, including R & D, exchange of information and boosting animal feed production.
Malaysia introduced the draft of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the WGAF to the meeting. The draft, prepared by the prime movers at their meeting in Lombok, Indonesia on 8 May 2009, was discussed at length, mainly on the outcome and the role of the secretariat in supporting the works of the WGAF.
The prime mover Indonesia expressed its readiness to become the coordinator of activities decided by the WGAF in achieving the objectives of the D-8 cooperation in Animal Feed. The time frame of the coordinating role will last for two years after which other member country may continue to lead.
2) The 2nd Working Group Meeting on Animal Feed, 16 May 2011, Tehran – Iran.
The following decision were made:
- Each country has to introduce its own focal point to Indonesia, as prime-mover.
- to proceed the following issues and prepare the action plans for:
- R&D cooperation
- Training
- Research on local feed raw materials
- Research on green fodders
- Establishing the working group website and its content
The meeting also accepted several new projects, namely:
- to enhance the sugar cane by-products (pit, bagasse..) as buffalo feed (Iran)
- to enhance the use of minerals/vitamins supplements for rural/nomadic animal production system (Iran)
- to establish a union (consortium) for trade and production of animal feed between D-8 private/cooperative sectors (Iran)
- to improve the quality of PKC (Palm Kernel Cake) and rice bran as non-ruminant feed (Malaysia & Indonesia)
3)The 3rd Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Animal Feed 3 October 2012, West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia
Concerning the 3 (three) proposed projects by Iran, as stated in the report of the 2nd D-8 Working Group Meeting on Animal Feed were considered and agreed the projects to be introduced through AFIC website for consideration of member countries in order to be decided in the next working group meeting
Regarding to the project of “Establishment a union (consortium) for trade and production of animal feed between D8 private/ coop sectors”, the Meeting agreed to encourage private sector of each country to participate and advertise for trade and production of animal feed on website of AFIC.
The Meeting agreed to make three Technical Working Groups for joint research on Palm Kernel Cake, RiceBran and Cassava. The member of the Technical Working Group from each country should consist of Technical and Research Institutions. The Meeting agreed that member countries for each Technical Working Groups are:
- Technical Working Group on Cassava
-Nigeria (leader), Iran and Indonesia - Technical Working Group on Rice Bran
-Indonesia (leader), Bangladesh and Nigeria - Technical Working Group on Palm Kernel Cake
-Malaysia (leader), Indonesia, and Nigeria
New Projects
The meeting discussed the new projects proposed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and agreed to adopt one of the new project namely Silage production in 35-50kg capacity portable sacks in villages to be conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Nigeria.
The meeting agreed for execution of the projects a fund is required.Therefore, according to the Decision made in the Summit Meeting in Nigeria in the year 2010, D-8 Joint Investment Fund (JIF) is agreed to be established. Therefore, the representative of The Islamic Republic of Iran proposed that the solution is to follow up the D-8 JIF establishment and seek the support of their Senior Officials in this regard, by SOM and respective Agricultural Ministers.
4) 5th Agriculture Ministerial Meeting on Food Security held on 01-03 December 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey
5th Working Group on Animal Feed: The following projects have been proposed by this group:
- Cassava pellets as ruminant feed. Project proposal has been concluded and will be submitted to D-8.
- Processing of cassava feed to substitute fishmeal and soybean. Proposal is ongoing. This project will also be submitted to the D-8 Secretariat.
The group also agreed on the followings:
- All Member States and the D-8 Secretariat should concern about the information and statistics on the respective Websites.
- Contact information of the focal points of the working groups needed to be uploaded on the AFIC Website and officially notify the D-8 Secretariat.
- Proposed to hold a meeting with the participation of business association and Member States private sectors and Turkey agreed to hold it in 2015.
- E-booklet containing contact information of feed business would be prepared and uploaded on AFIC website.
- The facilitating role of the Secretariat is important in identifying manufacturer and distributors of feed additives.
At the 3rd Working Group Meeting on Animal Feed which was held on 3 October 2012 in West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia, the following outcomes were emerged:
Consideration and Adoption of Animal Feed Information Centre (AFIC) Website
11.The Meeting agreed to endorse the prepared website and through the SOM bring to the attention of Ministers in order to be launched at the 3rd D-8 Agricultural Ministerial Meeting on Food Security. However, member countries have to contribute and upload data/ information on feed to improve website content. Regarding funding mechanism to maintaining the website, the Meeting agreed to raise this issue to the SOM. Since the funding mechanism is still in process, the website of AFIC will be maintained by Indonesia through its national budget.
New Projects and Area of Cooperation
12.The meeting discussed the new projects proposed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and agreed to adopt one of the new project namely Silage production in 35-50kg capacity portable sacks in villages to be conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Nigeria.
13.The meeting agreed for execution of the projects a fund is required. Therefore, according to the Decision made in the Summit Meeting in Nigeria in the year 2010, D-8 Joint Investment Fund (JIF) is agreed to be established. Therefore, the representative of The Islamic Republic of Iran proposed that the solution is to follow up the D-8 JIF establishment and seek the support of their Senior Officials in this regard, by SOM and respective Agricultural Ministers.