Industrial Cooperation » Electronic and ICT
- Promoting Electronics & ICT products and activities/products such as computer, parts and peripherals, telecommunication equipment/devices, voice/pattern/vision recognition or synthesis equipment, software development and production, short range communication, domestic appliances, navigator and tracking system, sensor technology and smart cards
- Establishing promotion of shared service facilities and new technologies among Member States
- Collaboration in Standard Conformity and Testing to to implement common standards and adopting common standards including production of new technologies and testing requirement
- Capacity Building and Skills upgrading through collaboration among training institutions and Institutions of higher learning among D-8 Member States especially in capacity building and skills upgrading
1. In line with the initiation of Task Forces under WGIC, the proposal to identify the TFs was raised during the Fourth Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) on 10-12 November 2008, Bali-Indonesia.
After having and intensive discussion and exchange of views, the meeting agreed to strengthen future cooperation through Task Forces:
- Automotive (Coordinator: Iran, Egypt, and Indonesia)
- Energy, Power Sector and Conservation (Coordinator: Turkey, Nigeria)
- Food production through Mechanization (Coordinator: Malaysia)
- Cooperation/Transfer of Technology (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- Petrochemicals and Fertilizer (Coordinator: Indonesia, Iran)
- Cement (Coordinator: Iran)
- Steel (Coordinator: Iran)
- Textile (Coordinator: Egypt, Indonesia)
- Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights (Coordinator: Turkey, Iran)
- SMEs (Coordinator: Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria)
- Electronics and IT (Coordinator: Malaysia)
During this meeting, the private sector of Indonesia, Turkey and Iran has signed a Minute of Meeting to facilitate cooperation through a long-term program on Automotive Industry. A joint working group will be established to develop the long-term cooperation.
2. The Fifth Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) was held in Tehran, Iran, on February 28 – March 02 2010, back-to-back meeting with the First D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Industry.
During WGIC meeting, all the delegations discussed and approved all the Terms of Reference (ToR) of 11 Task Forces as recommended on previous D-8 WGIC meeting. In addition, Plan of Action: Cooperation on Industry & Tehran Declaration on D-8 Industrial Cooperation was adopted by WGIC meeting. Meanwhile, at ministerial meeting, The Ministers adopted Tehran Declaration.
3. As the one of coordinator Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) under 11 Task Forces of D-8 WGIC, Iran Small Industries & Industrial Parks Organization (ISIPO) hosted the First D-8 SMEs Governmental Bodies Meeting of D-8 Member Countries on 06-07 December 2010 in Tehran-Iran with the idea to examine how to implement the agreements and deepen the ties between D-8 Member Countries. In addition, the meeting has also considered that it is also timely opportune for D-8 governmental bodies to meet and discuss common efforts in responding towards the current potential market of D-8 SMEs.
4. As a follow up activity of the First D-8 SMEs Governmental Bodies Meeting of D-8 Member Countries on 06-07 December 2010 in Tehran-Iran, Iranian government held the SME Cluster Development Best Practice Workshop on 8-9 February 2011 in Tehran-Iran, which intended to familiarize the related persons from Member Countries with the concept and experiences of SME Cluster Development in Iran. The workshop commenced successfully with full participation from D-8 Member Countries and ECO.
5. The Sixth Meeting of D-8 Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) and Second D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Industry was held on 4-6 October 2011 in Istanbul-Turkey. Excluding Task Force on Textile and Garment, all Task Forces were discussed. Turkish delegation also proposed to add one more Task Force, namely Task Force on Machinery.
At Ministerial level meeting, the Ministers adopted Istanbul Declaration. In addition, at agenda item: exchange of views on Industry Meeting, Minister of Industry of Indonesia and Minister of Industry of Iran emphasized on the discrepancy in the level of performance of various Task Forces of the WGIC and called of an objective review and analysis, with regards to optimization of the number of TFs.
6. The First D-8 Task Force Meeting on Textile and Garment successfully held on 27-28 October 2011 in Jakarta-Indonesia. The meeting decided that the Member Countries would submit their respective set of concrete proposals for cooperation to D-8 Secretariat within 45 days. In addition, Indonesian delegation proposed a matrix for the articulation of a plan of action for the future of the Task Force, which can also serve as a mechanism for further articulation of the activities of the Task Force.
D-8 Organization has successfully held the 2nd Industrial Ministerial Meeting and 6th Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) during 4-6 October 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey, to strengthen its industrial cooperation among member countries in order to find and secure opportunities for new investment and markets, with the recovery of the global economy continued robustly during the final months of 2010 and into early 2011.
D-8 has previously held its 1st Industrial Ministerial Meeting and the 5th Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) in early 2010 in Tehran. At the Tehran Meeting D-8 has tried to utilize existing capacities in order to increase industrial cooperation within its ranks and improve its collective relative weight in the global industry. The “Tehran Declaration” provides a quite pragmatic approach to move in the direction of expanding industrial and technological cooperation amongst us. It also lays out a number of practical policies and measures towards increasing industrial and market opportunities as well as financial resources.
This meeting designed to take stock of D-8’s collective performance thus far, analyze the situation with each and every Task Force it holds under the Working Group on Industry, and adopt a very objective and realistic approach to their future work, including with respect to the current mechanism of the coordination of Task Forces shared between and among a number of countries – which, in certain cases, might have not proved conducive to achieving the desired pace of dynamism and progress. The emphasize is being put on a number of Task Forces, for example Petrochemical/Fertilizer and Food Production Task Forces, which need to be accorded special attention, since they directly serve to increase food security for and within the D-8 community with almost 1 billion population and quite serious pockets of challenge in this field.
D-8 has had agreement with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on a Memorandum of Understanding covering a wide range of areas of development-related activities, with special emphasis on agriculture and food security. In this special meeting in Istanbul, and at the margins of the Ministerial Meeting, D-8 has also signed M.O.U. with ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization).
Outcomes of the Task Force on Electronics and ICT of the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 26-27 January 2015, Tehran, Iran are as follows:
- Establishment of Joint ICT Research and Development Projects within D-8 Member States;
- Cooperation and Provisioning of Technical and Professional Engineering Services in electronic components and equipment;
- Manufacturing of Banking Hardware Equipment in the D-8 Member States;
- Cooperation and Provisioning of Technical and Engineering Services in software industry such as Banking, Infrastructure, Communication, Security, Calibration and Laboratories in the D-8 Member States;
- Co-Branding of ICT projects within D-8 Member States.
- Facilitating trading in e-Government, e-Learning, Security Solutions, Electronic Components and Equipment, Islamic Banking Software Solution and Payment Systems, Airport CNS/ATM Products, Navigation (DME, DVOR, ILS, TACAN, PAR), Surveillance (PSR, MSSR, ATM, ADS-B, MLAT), Communications, (VHF Radio, VCCS, AMHS, ATIS), Meteorological Observation Systems, Airport Lighting and Lighting Control, Airport Security and Inspection, Airport Access Control, Airborne Products and Solutions within D-8 Member States;
- Software Products Standardization in the D-8 Member States; and
- Establishment of a website to present products and services of the D-8 Member States.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Electronics and ICT of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation 09-10 May 2016, Cairo, Egypt are as follows:
• Creating a web portal which will include companies and factories of each sector;
• IDA (Industrial Development Authority) to designate an official to maintain the portal;
• ICT chamber will handle the portion related to the ICT sector;
• Engineer export council will handle the electronic portion of the portal;
• Identifying focal points;
• A follow-up meeting to review action plan in 2-3 months;
• Electronics and ICT Task Force proposed a meeting in 2 or 3 months to discuss the results and action plan and would urge all D8 countries to appoint focal points so they can communicate and collaborate with each other;
• Turkey offered training program for the focal points who would be associated with the interactive website and requested for expeditious submission of the list of focal points.
Outcomes of the Task Force on Electronics and ICT of the 6th Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation held on 14- 16 November 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria are as follows:
Members observed that a web portal ( was created as agreed but not
all the companies and factories of all the D-8 countries were listed. It was agreed
secretariat should request for and update from the missing countries for inclusion
• The delegates agreed to create ICT subsector chamber as an interest group within the
existing chambers.
• It was agreed that the D8 secretariat should coordinate a virtual follow up meeting among
the participating countries
• Member countries should work toward the establishment of ICT training hubs.
• All the delegates agreed that the Taskforce on Technology and Taskforce on Electronic
and ICT should be merge as proposed
• Proposed Projects
✓ Capacity building on standard among member countries
✓ Research exchange programmes in the sector
✓ Standardization of ICT Curriculum in member countries