D-8 Strengthens aviation cooperation through capacity building

3 June 2014, Istanbul-Turkey
Turkey hosted Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) Training Workshop on Capacity Building for D-8 States on 3-4 June 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. Participants from relevant government departments of the D-8 member states attended the 2-day workshop.  Transportation, civil aviation in particular, is one of the priority sectors identified in the D-8 Roadmap for the economic uplift of the peoples of the region. 
The aviation industry, including cargo and logistics, has significant inter-connected role in the thriving of the tourism industry, service sector and the growing global economy. The D-8 leaders envisaged closer and intense cooperation in this sector among the member states and agreed on the framework for engagement. 
The objective of the event was to engage member states with more good practices and methods so that the industry could adopt the best ones and implement them in their respective aviation sector. The workshop was designed to share experience among practitioners and personnel involved in the aviation industry as well as to indulge into detailed exercise on such important areas of the industry as airport management, security, standardization of airports, ground handling among D-8 Member States, harmonization etc. One of the major items in this programme included best practices with regard to airport management as an integral and one of the most vital parts of this industry, drawing global attention and allocation of substantial resources for continuous improvement. This workshop also explored the possibility of joint initiatives or partnerships in this sector, particularly aimed at growth and investment. 

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