Objectives and Means of D-8 CCI
The goals of the D-8 CCI and the means to achieve these goals:
a) Support cooperation among the business sector in the D-8 countries through diversifying commercial products to exchange among themselves in order to achieve economic integration and economic and social development therein.
b) Development of industrial and agricultural products in the D-8 countries and promotion of the concept of quality and competitiveness.
c) Encourage the enhancement of Trade, Service, Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Intra-Regional Tourism and Handicrafts; promote collective self-reliance based on the harnessing of complementarities and establishing the value/supply chains among the number countries; propose economic policies mutually advantageous to all D-8 member countries and create avenues for collaboration amongst its members and similar organizations throughout the D-8 region in their efforts for economic development.
d) Make recommendations to safeguard the economic and business interests of the D-8 Countries, promote investment opportunities and joint ventures among the D-8 Member Countries.
e) Assist, contribute and encourage the organization of and participation to Business Forums, Trade Fairs, Joint Display Centers, Exhibitions, Seminars, Conferences, Lectures and Publicity Campaigns as and where may be thought advisable.
f) Promote the exchange of commercial, technical, industrial management and scientific information, education and know-how amongst its members.
g) Promote joint research and development among the D-8 Member Countries and Collate, collect and disseminate statistical data of D-8 Member Countries.
h) Act for Trade Facilitation of the region to remove the barriers that hinder the exchange of goods and services among the Member States, as well as identifying and proposing the measures necessary to increase the volume of trade exchange and economic cooperation among them.
i) Contribute to the improvement of the investment climate in the D-8 countries to enhance the foreign investment.
j) Provide means for settling commercial disputes that might arise among the companies of members of D-8 CCI.
k) Strengthen relations with international trade organizations, bodies and unions and chambers similar to the D-8 CCI to promote private sector’s role in the process of socio-economic development.
Members of the D-8 CCI are the following National Chambers of Commerce and Industries of the eight founding countries of D-8:
a) The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)
b) Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (FEDCOC)
c) Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)
d) Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mine and Agriculture (ICCIMA)
e) National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM)
f) Nigeria Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA)
g) The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI)
h) The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)
History of D-8 CCI
Date | Title | Important Note |
22-25 February 2001 Cairo – Egypt “ 3rd Cairo Summit” |
The 1st Business Forum of The D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industries |
At the report of the 10th Session of the D-8 Commission (22-23 February 2001, Agenda Item 9), the Commission welcomed the holding of the First Forum and agreed to study and further pursue the recommendations made by the Forum. During the D-8 summit in Cairo, 25 February 2001, the heads of states proposed the establishment of business forum, according to the vital role of the private sector in promoting business and economic relations among D-8 member countries, which was approved through article no.29 of Cairo declaration. *initial step of the Proposal the establishment of business forum |
14 Feb 2004, Tehran-Iran “4th Tehran Summit” |
The 2nd Business Forum of the D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industries | Base on article no.9 of the D-8 Second Business Forum final report held on 14 February 2004 in Iran. The forum decided that current country would manage the Secretariat of the Forum, which will be Iran. Mr. A.R. Hanjani was appointed as Secretary-General for the period. * D-8 FCCI was established and the SG was appointed |
11 May 2006, Bali – Indonesia “5th Bali Summit” |
The 3rd Business Forum of The D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industries |
The Forum emphasized the importance of visa facilitation, shipping and logistic and PTA in order to expand the volume of D-8 intra-trade |
03 July 2006, Kuala Lumpur–Malaysia “6th Kuala Lumpur Summit” |
The 4th Business Forum of The D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industries |
The Forum emphasized on three potentials sectors, namely Biotechnology, Halal Industry, and Renewable Energy Proposal to have meetings of senior economic officials and Economics Ministers of the D-8 Countries |
05 July 2010, Abuja –Nigeria “7th Abuja Summit” |
The 5th Business Forum of The D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industries |
The Forum recommended the governments of D-8 to provide their business communities with financial resources and banking credits The Forum encouraged a vibrant D-8 Chambers of Commerce, a levy of USD 50,000 as annual membership fee for the activities of D-8 Secretariat of the Federation of Chambers Commerce |
President of D-8 CCI
The Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (FEDCOC), the current President of the D-8 CCI.
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