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Calender of Events 2019

D-8 Health and Social Protection Inaugural Consultation Meeting


D-8 Health and Social Protection Inaugural Consultation Meeting will be held on 19-20 June 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria. Click on the following text:  1.D-8 H&SPS Adminstrative Arrangements 2. D-8 H&SP Inaugural Consultation Meeting Agenda 3. Rationale for D-8 H&SPS Inaugural Consultation Meeting… Read More

2nd D-8 Senior Officials and Ministerial Meeting on Tourism

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2nd D-8 Senior Officials Meeting on Tourism and the 2nd D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Tourism will be held from 18 to 21 November 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Please find the following meeting documents: General Information Note Agenda -2nd D-8 Senior… Read More