The Global Program Director of the D-8 HSP, Dr. Ado Muhammad had an interview with Chatham House on solidarity of D-8 Bloc in response to COVID-19 pandemic

In recognition of the interconnectedness and the zeal of the D-8 member countries to work cooperatively and collaboratively to tackle the pandemic, UK based global think tank Chatham House, engaged the D-8 Health and Social Protection Programme secretariat in an interview to understand the unique solidarity that exists between the countries.

The D-8 Health and Social Protection Programme approach demonstrates the importance of multilateral and regional solidarity to tackle health and social economic fall- outs of COVID-19, shared vulnerability and post pandemic health systems strengthening approach.

The research focused on solidarity and the extent to which the global community are able to work together in response to the pandemic. It also assessed the uniqueness of the D-8 Health and Social Protection Programme, which brings together Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, to facilitate support for one another and improve health and well-being of citizens in the bloc.

The Global Program Director of the Health and Social Protection Programme, Dr. Ado Muhammad, noted that the membership of the D-8 as a multilateral and regional solidarity leverages on the strength of member countries, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The D-8 HSP promotes inter-trading in medical and essential health commodities within and between the member countries. There is a shared responsibility of members to support and learn from one another in terms of ICT, Innovative financing mechanisms for health, social protection strategies, as well as data sharing and usage.

Each member of the D-8 according to Ado, brings something valuable to the table. Bangladesh as the big producer of textiles in the world, now massively produces face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to meet the teeming demands. Pakistan produces cost effective ventilators with locally sourced materials. The D-8 facilitates easy trade among member countries to ensure the demand gaps for the commodities are addressed.

Following the April 16th COVID-19 Virtual meeting of the D-8, the bloc has created two working groups, the Implementation and Monitoring Working Group, and Resource Mobilization Working Groups, in response to the pandemic.

Also, with support from the Islamic Development Bank, the bloc has begun capacity building for revitalization of Health Markets, that will in long run strengthen Primary Health Care systems in member countries and promote actionable policies that will lead to the attainment of Universal Health Coverage by 2030.

Source: The D-8 Health and Social Protection Programme Office in Abuja

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