The D-8 Secretary-General paid a courtesy visit to the Secretary-General of BSEC

The D-8 Secretary-General, H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari visited the Secretary-General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), H.E. Ambassador Micheal B. Christides at the latter’s Office in Istanbul, Turkey, on 26th February, 2019.

The Secretary-General of BSEC warmly welcomed the D-8 Secretary-General and his delegation and wished the D-8 Organization success as it move to its new premises.

Ambassador Ku Jaafar, briefed the Secretary-General of BSEC regarding the structure and activities of the D-8 Organization. He also pointed out the similarities between the two institutions and the need for experience-sharing in order to foster global best practices.

In response, Ambassador Christides also gave a briefing regarding the activities, projects and organizational structure of BSEC. He also expressed delight over the D-8 Secretariat’s relocation to the Seba Center which also accommodates the Permanent International Secretariat of BSEC.

The two interlocutors also had fruitful discussions on possible areas of mutual cooperation and the importance of the implementation of the MoU signed between the D-8 and BSEC in 2015.

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