The D-8 Secretary-General and the Foreign Minister of Malaysia meet virtually on 30 March 2021

The D-8 Secretary-General, H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari had a virtual meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, H.E. Dato’ Seri Hishammmuddin Tun Hussein on 30 March, 2021. The Foreign Minister expressed his delight to meet the D-8 Secretary-General.

The Secretary-General thanked the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia for arranging the meeting. Ambassador Ku Jaafar and the Foreign Minister discussed the agenda and outcome documents of the upcoming 10th D-8 Summit of the Organization that will be held virtually from 5 to 8 April, 2021. The Secretary-General briefed the Minister on the latest developments and activities in particular the projects and initiatives that are aimed at making the D-8 more dynamic and result-oriented organization such as the establishment of the D-8 CCI, the D-8 International University, the D8 Payment Card, establishment of the D-8 Creative Economy and Financial Center, the D-8 Network of Pioneers for Research and Innovation (D-8 NPRI) and the D-8 Health and Social Protection Programme.

Ambassador Ku Jaafar also highlighted the existing collaboration with the other regional and international partners such as UN, ECOWAS, WTFI, UNIDO, AARDO, OIC, UNCTAD and WTO.

The Minister thanked the Secretary-General for the update and assured him of full support. He appreciated the D-8 Member States fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in a very effictive manner and minimize it’s negative effects. He assured that the organization has huge potentials to contribute to the upliftment of life and living standards of the peoples of the region.

2 thoughts on “The D-8 Secretary-General and the Foreign Minister of Malaysia meet virtually on 30 March 2021”

  1. Hope that D-8 would be an effective organization to address the aspirations of millions of people of its member states. Specially, concept of D-8 University would be a rewarding project for future generations,

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