The 6th Meeting of the Supervisory Committee of the D-8 PTA was hosted virtually on 26 January 2021

The 6th Meeting of the Supervisory Committee of the D-8 Preferential Trade Agreement (D-8 PTA) was hosted virtually by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey on 26th January, 2021.

The Meeting was attended by the Senior Officials of the Ministries of Trade and Customs Departments of the D-8 Member States, the Secretary-General of D-8, H. E. Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari and officials of the D-8 Secretariat.

The meeting commenced with the welcome remarks of the Chairman, Director General of International Agreements and European Union of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Hüsnü Dilemre and opening statement of the D-8 Secretary-General.

In his welcome remarks, Mr. Dilemre highlighted the importance of the D-8 Organization to its Members and the necessity of the full implementation of the D-8 PTA in order to reach the target of intra D-8 trade set by the leaders. He also briefed the meeting on some statistical data and economic figures regarding the activities of the D-8 Member States in the trade sector.

The D-8 Secretary-General, in his statement, emphasized the pivotal importance of trade and D-8 PTA for promoting trade activities among the D-8 Member States and reaching the desired economic cooperation and development. Therefore, he called on the Member States to urgently complete all necessary procedures for the full implementation and operationalization of the D-8 PTA.

Furthermore, Ambassador Ku Jaafar expressed the necessity and importance of developing a Trade facilitation strategy for the simplification and harmonization of trade procedures without restrictions. He also advised the representatives of the Member States to consider the possibility of signing a Free Trade Agreement or any other similar agreements that will help expand trade in goods and services.

The meeting discussed several issues regarding full implementation and operationalization of the D-8 PTA and revision of offer lists for tariff reduction among the D-8 Member States in order to develop trade relations and increase intra-trade volumes. Statements, views and recommendations regarding the D-8 PTA and trade activities were also shared by the representatives of the D-8 Member States. The representatives of the D-8 Member States also briefed the meeting regarding developments in trade sector pertaining to the D-8 PTA.

The Republic of Turkey graciously offered to host the 3rd Trade Ministerial Meeting and 7th Meeting of the Supervisory Committee of the D-8 PTA.

The meeting ended with closing remarks delivered by the D-8 Secretary-General and the Chairman of the meeting.

Link: Statement of the D-8 Secretary-General


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