Your Excellency, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President
of the Republic of Turkey,
Excellencies, Presidents and Prime Ministers of D-8
Member States,
Excellency Secretary-General of D-8,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatulahi Wabarakatuh,
Allow me to begin by congratulating Turkey as the Chair of the Summit. Thank you also to Pakistan for its leadership during its previous chairmanship.
Mr. Chairman,
Twenty years ago, our cooperation was established to bolster the position of Muslim developing countries in the global economy. Twenty years onwards, our organization has brought benefits for its Member States through cooperation in trade and industry to halal sector development.
At the same time, it is fair to say, that D-8 has yet to fully reach its objectives.
Intra-trade among D-8 member countries in 2015 amount to USO 100 billion or only 6,6 percent of our
total trade.
Well below the target of USO 303 billion or 20% of our total trade in 2018. Therefore, it is important for us to redouble our efforts to increase our intra-trade. Most importantly by maximizing our Preferential Trade Agreement.
Mr. Chairman,
In this vein, it is important for us to seek creative ways in strengthening cooperation within D-8.
To ensure that the Organization provides concrete benefits for our people. Against this backdrop, allow me to propose three ways to further deepen our cooperation:
First, we have to build strong partnership with the private sector in D-8 cooperation agenda.
Economic cooperation is not the sole responsibility of Governments.
We must promote cooperation m all sectors, in particular with the private sector.
Public Private Partnership will reduce cost and increase efficiency of economic and development
policy implementations it will enhance economic empowerment and strengthen capacity of the private sector itself … including SMEs.
Hence, I would like to propose regular holding of Business Forum back-to-back with future D-8
To deepen economic cooperation and invite greater involvement of D-8 private sectors.
Second, we should strengthen cooperation in maritime sector as important means of trade.
Given the D-8 Member States’ substantial coastline and the significance of maritime activities in our national economies, it is timely for us to give more attention to this sector.
We need to promote and enhance collaboration on maritime cooperation to increase connectivity and to facilitate shipping logistical services.
And allow larger economic and trade opportunities among D-8 Member States.
Mr. Chairman,
In line with the theme of our Summit, I believe it is timely for us to promote South-South Cooperation to
expand economic opportunities of our Organization. Indonesia sees that strategic industries could play an important role in advancing the agenda of South-South Cooperation within our organization.
Mr. Chairman,
Of equal importance is the need to revitalize and rejuvenate our organization.
A pragmatic and results-oriented approach to cooperation are still needed.
Therefore, the upcoming adoption of the Istanbul Declaration 2017 and the Post-2017 0-8 Plan of
Action, signifies an important milestone.
Mr. Chairman,
In conclusion, it is obvious that we can only foster economic growth and human development with the
presence of peace and security.
Peace is perquisite for development and peace can only be sustained with development.
In this regard, allow me to convey that Indonesia is seeking election for non-permanent membership of
the UN Security Council for the period of 2019-2020.
On behalf of our Government, I would like to thank the Member States for the support and trust placed upon us to be your true partner for world peace.
I also calf on D-8 Member States to strengthen unity to make Islam as rahmatan Iii alamin (blessing for the universe).
I thank you. Tesekkurler.
Wassalaam’alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.