Secretary-General met the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

12 April 2018, Jakarta-Indonesia
The D-8 Secretary-General, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari visited the Chairman, Permanent Committee on the Middle East and OIC Countries of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Fachry Thaib at his office in Jakarta on 12 April, 2018.
During the meeting, the Secretary-General emphasized the crucial role of the private sector in advancing D-8 cooperation.  He observed that not much has been done in the D-8 private sector and thus there is the need to make it active in order to aggressively pursue success in a wide spectrum of areas. He therefore proposed a meeting of the Federation of D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industry in order for the D-8 cooperation to benefit Member States. He also pointed out the importance of connectivity and research and development to economic cooperation.
On his part, the Chairman appreciated the visit by the Secretary General. He informed that the Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry conference will take place in December 2018 in Jakarta and that 60 chambers of commerce will attend the event. There is also going to be four side events as well as trade expo. He solicited the cooperation of the D-8 in order to make the events resounding success.
The meeting was attended by the Vice Chairman, Permanent Committee for Middle East and OIC Countries, Mr. Mufti Hamka Hasan; the Head, Middle East and OIC Countries/International Organizations Affairs of the Indonesian Chamber Of commerce and industry, Mrs. Ira Hermawan; Director 1, D-8 Secretariat, Mr. Nasir Aminu; and representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Iwan Nur Hidayat.

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