Secretary-General met Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia

13 April 2018, Jakarta-Indonesia
On Friday 13th April, 2018, the D-8 Secretary- General, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari visited the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi at her office in Jakarta. The Secretary-General said the visit was for self-introduction and guidance seeking. He congratulated her and through her the Republic of Indonesia for hitting a milestone in 2017 by surpassing the US$1 trillion GDP mark and expressed the hope that the country’s  engagement with the D-8 Organization for Economic cooperation will continue to be deepened. He added that D-8 will utilize all opportunities to make best use of Indonesia’s growth experience. Furthermore, the Secretary-General informed the Minister that Indonesia did not organize any D-8 event in 2017 nor did it commit itself to host any in 2018. He therefore requested for her intervention to get the country’s ministries/agencies to organize/host D-8 program and events.
Moreover, the Secretary- General solicited the support of Indonesia for a new approach to communication through reaching stakeholders directly while keeping the Commissioners informed of all developments.
In her response, the Minister congratulated the Secretary-General over his appointment and reminded him of his onerous responsibility to promote the activities of the D-8 Organization as well as its visibility. She accepted the Secretary- General’s proposal for a new approach to communication, adding that the communication approach should be in such a way that the Commissioners will not loose tracks. She invited the D-8 to participate in the trade expo that is to be organized by Indonesia in October, 2018 and display their wares, including the preferential trade agreement (PTA), in order to expose its activities and promote intra D-8 trade.
The meeting was attended by Director I of the D-8 Secretariat, Mr. Nasir Aminu; Director of Socio-Cultural Affairs and International Organizations of Developing Countries, Mr. Kamapradipta Isnomo; and Mr. Aditya Aji Nugraha of the Directorate of Socio-Cultural Affairs and International Organizations of Developing Countries.

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