Secretary-General expressed his condolences for the victims of the terrorist attacks in Turkey and Egypt

13 December 2016, Istanbul
Dr. Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi, D-8 Secretary-General visited the office of the Governor of Istanbul to sign the book of condolences in honour of the victims of the terrorist attack in Besiktas, Istanbul. Secretary-General paid his respects to the victims and expressed his heartfelt condolences to their families and his support to the Government and people of Turkey. After signing the book of condolences at the Governor office, he left the following message:
“No word of condolence will suffice the irrecuperable loss and injury at the deeply tragic bombings on 10 December 2016 in Be?ikta? area in Istanbul. We are shocked at this terrorist attacks that claimed invaluable lives of innocent people and injured many more. We join the people of Republic of Turkey in denouncing any kind of crime and atrocity and praying for the families who have been victims to this heart-breaking incident. May the Almighty Allah give the bereaved family of the departed souls the strength and courage to bear the loss of their beloved ones. We pray for speedy recovery of the injured ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with them”.
Secretary-General, Dr. Mousavi also has sent a message of condolences to H.E. Sameh Shoukry, Foreign Minister of Egypt and strongly condemned the terrorist attack at St. Peter’s Church on 11 December 2016 in Cairo, claiming the lives of a large number of innocent citizens and wounding many others. He also expressed sympathy over the loss of more than 100 invaluable lives as a result of the catastrophic church collapse on 10 December 2016 in south-eastern Nigerian City of Uyo. He offered his condolences to Government of Nigeria and the families of the victims of the irritant incident in his letter to, H.E. Geoffrey Onyeama, Foreign Minister of Nigeria.

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