Secretary-General attends the “Muslim Future Thinkers Forum”

The Secretary-General, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari attended, as a special guest, the opening ceremony of ‘’Muslim Future Thinkers Forum’’ organized jointly by Ibn Haldun University and Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) at Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul, Turkey, from 5-7 October 2018.

The theme of the forum was “The Future of Islamic Civilization Toward Intellectual Sufficiency and Independence’’. It was attended by the Presidential Spokesman of Turkey, H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Kalin; the President of ICYF-DC, H.E. Amb. Elshad Iskandarov; Mayor of Basaksehir Municipality, H.E. Mr. Yasin Kartoglu; the Rector of Ibn Haldun University, Prof. Dr. Recep Senturk as well as participants from international organizations, scholars, businessmen and students from different parts of the world.
At the opening ceremony, speeches addressed the importance of thinking and producing new ideas and projects for the future of Muslim world.

2 thoughts on “Secretary-General attends the “Muslim Future Thinkers Forum””

  1. The Muslim Future Thinkers Forum is a wonderful idea. It is the need of the hour. I am a Kashmiri Muslim writer, researcher and head of Humanistic Diplomacy. I would like to join MFTF.

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