Secretary-General addressed at the 7th WZF International Conference in Malacca

The Secretary-General, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, delivered a statement at the 7th World Zakat Forum (WZF) International Conference 2018 held in Malacca, Malaysia, from 5 to 7 December, 2018, under the theme “Strengthening Global Zakat Cooperation in Increasing the Welfare of the Ummah”. During the High Level Discussion on ‘’Zakat Cooperation among Countries’’ in which participated, the Secretary-General briefed the participants about the D-8 Organization and its activities and projects to enhance cooperation in the field of Research and Innovation among Member States which include D-8 Project Support Fund, cooperation with IsDB for utilizing science and innovation platforms namely Engage and Transform. Furthermore, he provided some financial figures regarding zakat system in Member States and pointed out the key importance of establishing accurate zakat system in Muslim countries. He also expressed his enthusiasm for embarking on an initiative optimizing the Islamic financial tools to establish ‘’Creative Islamic Economic Zone’’ and called the governments of D-8 Member States, other Muslim countries and Muslim communities to seriously consider this plan.

The conference program was also attended by Minister of National Development Planning Agency, Prof. Bambang PS Brodjonegoro, Minister of Religious Affairs of Malaysia, Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa, as well as more than 30 speakers from 16 countries including United Kingdom, India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, South Africa and Saudi Arabia; international organizations like UNICEF, IsDB Group; zakat foundations like ZF of India, SANZAF South Africa, BAZNAS Indonesia, Rumah Zakat; as well as scholars, students, participants from private sector and media from different parts of the world. The conference adressed a number of topics pertaining to the role of as an effective tool for providing welfare in Muslim countries.

During the inauguartion session, the Chief Minister of Malacca, Hon. Adly Zahari stated that ‘’The benefit of zakat must be significant and strategic to improve togetherness, brotherhood, collaboration and solidarity among Muslim countries and people to achieve common goals’’.
He also had discussions with Chief Minister of Malacca and Minister of Religious Affairs of Malaysia throughout the program.

The Secretary-General also attended the Annual Meeting where various contemporary and updated topics on global zakat development were discussed. The conference also noted the growing role of zakat in solving global poverty and inequality, and proposed new approaches utilizing the third pillar of Islam. In this conference, ten new countries namely Australia, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Maldives, Senegal, Liberia, Togo, Benin and Sierra Leon became members of the World Zakat Forum. Additionally, association memberships of D-8, UNDP, UNICEF, IsDB and Bank Indonesia to World Zakat Forum were discussed in order to cater cooperation between institutions.

Based on the two-day discussions, the World Zakat Forum agreed on the following conclusions:

1. The philosophy and core values of zakat should be strictly observed in increasing the welfare of Ummah.
2. Zakat should be considered as a complementary financial resource in the achievement of SDGs.
3. The role of zakat in combating poverty and advancing social inclusion shall be promoted.
4. The WZF calls on all its members to adopt zakat as a critical policy instrument in socio-economic development in their respective countries.
5. WZF urges all members to adopt:
a) The “Zakat Core Principles (ZCP)” to improve the quality of zakat management.
b) The principles of “Risk Management on Zakat Institution (RMZI)”.
c) The principles of “Good Amil Governance on Zakat Management (GAGZM)”.
6. All WZF Members are required to be transparent and accountable in publishing their reports to the public.
7. Stronger cooperation and networking among WZF members are highly encouraged.
8. Strengthening the capacity of Zakat Management Organizations (ZMO) in Muslim minority countries is highly encouraged.
9. The WZF members express condolences to the victims of the natural disaster in West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi of Indonesia, and compassion to the victims of social conflicts like the Rohingyas, the Palestinians and other similar communities of the world. The WZF calls for collective actions to recover and rehabilitate the affected people.
10. The Conference calls on all Muslim countries, including members of the OIC, and zakat organizations in Muslim minority countries to join the WZF.
11. The WZF reiterates its willingness to cooperate with developing countries in combating poverty through blended financing of zakat and donation of the respective developing countries.

Secretary-General’s Statement

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