Press Release on World Press Freedom Day

3 May 2014, Istanbul-Turkey
The Secretary-General extends his heartiest congratulations to the local and global media community on the occasion of World Press Freedom day on 03 May 2014, which is crucially important for a vibrant civil society and a properly functioning system.
Media constitutes a significant and inseparable part in each society to build the bridge between the state and its people. Media, press in particular, is of vital importance to uphold the practice of democracy and good governance through establishing transparency among institutions that interplay within a state. It is also immensely relevant to build public opinion and awareness in the entire gamut of the public domain, which is translated into shaping public institutions in line with the popular demand. Freedom of media, therefore, is of primary importance to ensure that people’s voices are heard and that the interface between the government and mass people works to the benefit of the later. 
Role of media in this complex web of interconnectedness is extensive and instrumental. Freedom is a criterion that is naturally attributed to the Media because of its responsible, pervasive and crucial role to the greater community. The D8 Secretariat joins the global media community in celebrating the inspiring and constructive freedom of the press and wishes a freer and more pluralistic media environment which will eventually continue to contribute to the constructive engagement among all stakeholders for a free, fair and inclusive society.

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