PR of Nigeria to the D-8 lent valuable support

29 April 2015, Istanbul-Turkey
‘Ambassador Olatidoye was an ardent promoter and true supporter of the D-8. He believed in it and worked not only for higher engagement of Nigeria with the Organization but also to promote common agenda of economic partnership’, said Dr. Seyed AliMohammed Mousavi, the D-8 Secretary-General, on 29 April 2015, during a farewell given to Ambassador Ibukun A. Olatidoye, Nigeria’s Permanent Representative the D-8.
Ambassador Olatidoye will return to the Capital upon completion of his assignment as Permanent Representative to the D-8. The D-8 Secretariat and the Permanent Mission have been working in close tandem on matters of common and mutual interest. The Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the D-8 has been playing pivotal role to ensure proactive engagement and coordination. Ambassador Olatidoye put relentless effort in establishing and nurturing the links between different government apparatus in Nigeria and their counterparts within other D-8 Member States. 
Ambassador Olatidoye thanked the Secretary-General for all the support rendered during his office in the Permanent Mission and reassured of his unconditional and continuous effort in furthering D-8 agenda with the government and institutions in Nigeria. 

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