Governor of Istanbul welcomed Secretary-General

15 December 2014, Istanbul,Turkey
H.E. Mr. Vasip ?ahin, Governor of Istanbul, received and welcomed Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi, the D-8 Secretary-General, in his office in Istanbul on 15 December 2014.
Dr. Mousavi congratulated the Governor on his appointment and expressed confidence that his dynamic and able leadership would pave the way forward for further prosperity and development of the historic city of Istanbul. He informed the Governor of the pivotal role Turkey has played in establishment as well as furthering the affairs of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation. Dr. Mousavi also informed him of the current activities and affairs taking place within the Organization.
Mr. ?ahin thanked the D-8 Secretary-General for his visit and recalled that the D-8 was established with the spirit of goodwill and high hope for collaborative partnership among the Member States. He expressed hope that the D-8 with a combined population of more than 01 (one) billion would be a vibrant organization that would significantly contribute to the uplift of life of the peoples. 
The two interlocutors exchanged views on several areas of D-8 cooperation and possible ways to strengthen collaboration. The Governor assured the Secretary-General of his wholehearted support. 

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