Formal Opening Ceremony of Permanent Mission of Nigeria to D-8

The Office of the Permanent Mission of Nigeria to D-8 officially opened on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 in Istanbul.The occasion was attended by the Representatives of the Turkish Foreign Ministry and the D-8 Secretariat.
In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Ibukun A. Olatidoye, the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the D-8, stated that President Goodluck Jonathan had directed the opening of this office in 2011 as a reflection of Nigeria’s commitment as current Chairman of the D-8 Organization.  He also referred to President Jonathan’s words at the 7th D-8 Summit (Abuja, July 2010) describing D-8 “as a platform for the promotion of partnership and development cooperation in an increasingly complex and volatile global economic system” with due emphasis on “the instrumentality of trade as a driver of economic growth and development”.
Ambassador Olatidoye also added in his remarks that since the establishment of the Permanent Mission in September 2011, the Mission has been fully engaged in pursuing its objective towards promoting  Nigeria’s economic and trade relations with other D-8 countries – for mutual benefit.  
Secretary-General Pratikto and Amb. Mehmet Dönmez (Head of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Istanbul) also made brief remarks at the ceremony and expressed their satisfaction with the establishment of the Perament Mission as well their hopes for its success to help promote the cause of the D-8.  
The Nigerian Mission is located on the 15th Floor of the Maya Akar Center, Esentepe, in the heart of the Istanbul business district.     
Permanent Mission of Nigeria to D-8,
Buyukdere Cad. No.100-102,
Block B, Kat 15, D:59,
Esentepe 34394,
Istanbul – Turkey.
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