First D-8 Eminent Persons Group (EPG) meeting held in Istanbul

15 May 2014, Istanbul-Turkey
The First D-8 Eminent Persons Group (EPG) had a two-day meeting in Istanbul from 15 until 16 May 2014. At the beginning of the meeting one minute of silence and prayer were observed in memory of Soma mines accident in Turkey. The chair of the EPG extended his  deepest condolences for this great loss.
The Eminent Persons of the eight countries discussed prospect, challenges and opportunities, measures to enhance cooperation among the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation and ways to strengthen the D-8 Secretariat. The report and recommendations produced in the sessions will be presented to the D-8 Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting in September 2014 as well as to the D-8 Summit scheduled in December 2014, in Turkey. 
The D-8 countries comprise of about one billion people, or around 17% of the world’s population.  The D-8 countries are rich with mineral and natural resources, reliable energy and agricultural sector, dynamic and competitive labour force, promising tourism prospect, and with lower operational costs. Some of its Member States are cited in top 25 merchandise exporters of the world. All the D-8 countries are important players in their respective regions. Around 45 % of the total exports of 57 OIC Nations are contributed by the eight countries of the D-8 organization.  About 55 % of total GDP of the OIC countries are realized by the D-8 Member States. 
The list of D-8 Eminent Persons:
Mr. M. Afsarul Qader (Bangladesh Former Ambassador)
Mr. Mohamed el-Orabi (Egypt, Former Foreign Minister)
Mrs. Adiyatwidi Asmady (Indonesia,  Ambassador)
Mr. Morteza Damanpak Jami (Iran,  Ambassador)
Mr. Zakaria Sulong (Malaysia, Former High Commissioner to the Great Britain)
Mr. Sulaiman Dahiru (Nigeria, Former Ambassador)
Mr. Ahmad Shamshad (Pakistan, Former Foreign Secretary)
Mr Numan Kurtulmus (Turkey, Deputy Chairman of AKPARTI)
Photos of this meeting can be viewed from the below link:

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