1st conference of the D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industry commenced on 01 September 2015 till 02 September 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This first ever initiative of D-8 private sector congregation was organized by the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM).
Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi, D-8 Secretary-General, attended the 2-day gathering and expressed his gratitude to the Government of Malaysia and the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) for their timely initiative and efforts in hosting the meeting. Dr. Mousavi also appreciated participants from the Chambers of Commerce and Industries of the D-8 Member States for their enthusiastic attendance and constructive contribution.
The gathering of D-8 business leaders is expected to primarily fabricate the network of private sector in order to foster trade and investment manifold. It is also due to discuss collective measures for trade facilitation and tapping into the potentials. Economic prosperity is central to discussion which will also stimulate job creation, technological progress and innovation. Discussion will also be held in economic diversification, specialization and competitiveness of SMEs to become part of value chains and benefit from trade linkages. Some highlights of the expected outcome from the conference are given below:
Improvement of business environment notably through reforms and reduction of administrative procrastination and reduction of layers;
Creation of a transparent and open regime for both domestic and foreign investors;
Facilitation for access to finance mainly for the SMEs and development in innovative and creative industries;
Upgrading the human resource expertise and skills; and
Strengthening market institutions and good economic governance;
The D-8 Secretary General also emphasized the need for trade openness and capital account convertibility for favourable investment. He hoped that the private sector meeting would be held every year in and in every capital of the D-8 Member States on the principle of rotation. He also underscored the need for private sector to lay out framework and mechanism towards enhancing future cooperation.