Education Can be a Potential Cooperation Sector in D-8

27 June 2013, Cairo-Egypt
In a recent working visit to several high dignitaries in Cairo, Egypt, D-8 Secretary General, Dr. Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi, had a fruitful exchange of views with the Minister of Higher Education, H.E. Dr. Mostafa Mossad. Both figures shared their views on the issue of contributing each other focus on developing educational sectors in D-8 member countries. Dr. Mousavi conveyed brief information on the status of cooperation of D-8, and the idea to expand area to include education sector. 
Currently, the Secretariat is working toward the establishment of closer cooperation with academia, and university circles, and several universities in Turkey has offered the possibility to convene conferences and Terms of References on D-8. He also explained that D-8 Secretariat will soon visit the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), in Shiraz, Iran, to explore the potentials of cooperation within the academia.
Dr. Mossad warmly welcomed the idea, and also offered his support in the effort of developing intense cooperation among universities amongst D-8 Member Countries. 
During this visit, D-8 Secretary-General also met with Mr. Shaker Abd Elfattah, Chairman of Board and Head of Middle East News Agency (MENA), with whom he had exchange of views to introduce the idea of establishment of a closer cooperation among D-8 news agencies, in the format of a working group or association, with the DG-level meeting to be held in every Summit. Briefing him that this idea has been discussed with DG of Indonesian News Agency (ANTARA), who warmly welcomed it, and proposed that initially to hold a technical-level meeting prior to that, Dr. Mousavi also received support from MENA, who provided the Secretariat with a focal point to ensure the smooth coordination for this idea.
Among other dignitaries visited during this time was D-8 Commissioner of Egypt, H.E. Ambassador Magdy Rady; Mr. Anwar Elsahargaty, Head of Egyptian Commercial  Service (ECS); and Engineer Hussein Sabour, Chairman of Egyptian Businessmen Association (EBA).
Photos of the meetings can be viewed from the following gallery: []

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