D8 Secretary General paid a courtesy visit to Governor of Istanbul

9 March 2013, Istanbul Turkey
H.E Governor of Istanbul, Mr. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu welcomed Secretary General of Developing8 organization Dr. Mousavi in his office in Istanbul on 8th March 2013.
In this meeting H.E. Governor congratulates him on his appointment as the new Secretary General  of the D8 organization. Dr. Mousavi said among the other issues that the motive behind this visit is primarily to establish a good partnership and relations with government official of the Turkey in Istanbul.
While Dr. Mousavi gave a brief background of Developing8 organization in terms of its structure and activities, he seeks governor’s cooperation and supports on various D8 programs, specially on the issue of visibility of D8 organization in Turkey specially in Istanbul as the home of the D8. He also mentioned that for visibility purposes, D8 is going to celebrate D8 day and D8 film festival in June this year. 
Finally H.E. Governor gave an idea to Secretary General such as arrange sports activities among D8 member countries. 

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