D-8 to improve cooperation in higher education

25 November 2013, Tehran-Iran
Dr. Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi, D-8 Secretary-General visited University of Tehran on Monday 25 November 2013 and met with academicians. Dr. Mousavi explained the purpose of his visit to discuss improvement of scientific, research and technology cooperation among universities of D-8 countries. He emphasized that higher education institutions play a fundamental role in imparting education and bringing about economic and social changes in a society. To facilitate the coordination on higher education among the D-8 countries, we need to establish linkages and promote networking among the Member Countries’ universities/institutions.
Secretary-General Mousavi also paid a visit to Imam Sadiq University to exchange views with academicians on the D-8 higher education and scientific cooperation. During the meeting, Dr Mousavi underlined that to overcome economic, political and social challenges, D-8 Member Countries need to improve educational standards and conquer such challenges in the field of higher education, science, technology, research and innovation.
The outcome of both meetings brighten up the necessity for D-8 to accord its increased attention to the expansion of scientific research and to promote active collaboration among education and scientific research communities in the Member Countries. The academicians also highlighted the importance of exchanging expertise through the communication networks in academic and research domains. “We also need to strengthen the research capacities of existing centers and universities, establish new centers in vital scientific research disciplines and to improve the quality of education at our universities, with a view to enabling them to enhance their stand at the international level. In order to achieve the objectives, we should encourage the exchange of expertise among intellectuals and scholars, as well as the universities and the scientific research institutions in our countries” they emphasized.

Photos of this visit can be viewed form the link below:

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