D-8 to consolidate fertilizer cooperation through private sector collaboration

03-04 April 2015, Dhaka-Bangladesh
4th Ad Hoc Meeting to Consider the Formation of D-8 Fertilizer Association (D8FA) was held in Dhaka on 03-04 April 2015. Delegates from Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia and Turkey attended the 2-day meeting.
The objective of this meeting was to update status of production, distribution and trading of fertilizers in D-8 Member States as well as to finalize establishment of trade Consortium on Fertilizers. Delegations from Member States exchanged views and shared information on the importance of production, distribution, trade, research and development on fertilizers. 
The Meeting explored opportunities at private sector level to expand cooperation through Business-to-Business (B2B) relations with a view to boosting volume, variety and fields of fertilizer trade and also reviewed the documents related to the establishment of D-8 Fertilizer Association (D8FA)- a management body to manage commerce, marketing research, fertilizer production and trade among Member States.
The Meeting reviewed and finalized the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Articles of Incorporation on D8 Fertilizer Association (D8FA). 
Agriculture provides the basis of subsistence for the population by production of food and raw materials. This sector constitutes a large share of national output and employs a majority of the labor force in most developing countries. 

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