D-8 Tabled Latest Issues on Cooperation within the Coal Sector

IZMIR, TURKEY 12-13 July 2012
The D-8 Working Committee Meeting on Clean Coal Technologies (CCT) was held from 12-13 July 2012 in Izmir, Turkey, with the participation of delegates from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey.
During the two-day meeting, the participants exchanged views on the current situation and developments in the coal sector in their respective countries, and each delegation presented a brief national report on the subject.
The meeting also sought to encourage exchange of views on topics and modes of future cooperation in specific fields and areas. 
The meeting agreed on the following recommendations: 
•     A meeting or workshop should be held at least once every other year;
•   Technical visits, training and education facilities should commence between and among D-8 member countries;
•  Promotion of cooperation and collaboration opportunities between member countries is considered helpful and should be pursued as a matter of priority;
•     Representatives of the private sector in member countries must be engaged in all activities; and
•     An Internet network should be created to connect with other member countries. 
Photos from the meeting can be viewed from our gallery, or by  clickinghere 

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