D-8 Secretary General Mousavi participated in an interview with Anadolu Agency (16 February, 2013)

Istanbul Turkey February 16, 2013
As the new Secretary General of D-8 Organization of Economic Cooperation, Dr. Seyed Ali-Mohammad Mousavi enunciated his dreams about D-8 organization.Mousavi stated that there is a desire to create a D-8 brand. “It may be in airlines, automotive and even a satellite.Why not?” he pointed out and “Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, and Malaysia, these countries are technologically advanced in these areas” he added.
Dr. Mousavi reminded that, at this coming 15th June, D-8 will fulfill its 15 years and expressed that a time frame of 15 years is not a long period for an international organization to have a strong voice in the world.Mousavi noted that the organization is still at an early stage and until now much effort has been given for the institutionalization.“To this end, in Islamabad Summit, very important steps have been taken. D-8 Charter, Global Vision, administrative regulations documents were approved. Especially adoption of D-8 Charter is a milestone for D-8 to  give an official recognition in the international arena.So far we have worked on policy and planning but from now on, we should work on the projects. D8 will be visible everywhere very soon” he declared.Dr. Mousavi said that during the establishment of D-8, twenty different areas of cooperation have been determined.Later, out of twenty, five areas, namely trade, energy, transportation, agriculture and industry were decided to be the  priority areas and in  2008 Kuala Lampur Summit and  a ten year road map  was adopted concerning the work on the  five priority areas.
Less concrete projects
Musavi expressed that, D-8 involved in several areas of cooperation, but concrete projects have been very modest. The most important reason for this is the lack of a mechanism to finance within the framework of the D-8, he added.Dr. Mousavi pointed out that many organizations which focused on trade and economy, such as, Economic Cooperation Organization, the Organization of the Black Sea Cooperation, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, embodied their own bank for financing their projects, however until now, D-8 did not have such a financial mechanism, yet, two weeks ago a technical meeting was held in Tehran to establish a joint investment fund for D-8. 
Dr. Mousavi emphasized that the necessary financial resources are needed to carry out projects. “As an organization we also have dreams. We seek to establish a D-8 brand as declared by the d-8 Ministers of Foreign Affairs. It may be in airlines, automotive and even a satellite. Member countries like Turkey, Iran, Indonesia and Malaysia are technologically advanced in these areas. However a financial mechanism is needed to activate the potentials of member countries. Therefore, if we can establish a fund, we will be able to produce visible projects.” he said.
We want a strong Egypt
Dr. Mousavi pointed that Egypt, especially after the change of government, is giving importance to the D-8 cooperation. Egyptian president Mr. Mohamed Morsi was ready to join D-8 Summit in Islamabad which held on November 2012. Unfortunately he could not attend the summit but he demonstrated his support to D-8 by sending his most senior officials, he added.Throughout the D-8 history, this is the first time that Egypt sends such  high level officials in a meeting. “We want a strong Egypt and its contribution to the organization. Moreover, 4th Industrial ministers meeting will be hosted by Egypt in 2013.” said Dr. Mousavi.Dr. Mousavi expressed that “An active Egypt in D-8 together with Turkey and Iran, will both contribute to economic development and solution to instability in the region.”
Finally he emphasized that, “Bilateral country visits between Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after decades, helped normalization of relations between the two countries. Also Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s effort to improve relations with both Iran and Egypt is important for the region as well as for D-8. The development of relations and strengthening cooperation between these three major powers of the region, which share historical ties with each other will also contribute the welfare and peace of the people of the region.”

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