D-8 Secretary-General Dr. Mousavi welcomes easing of sanctions on Iran

3 February 2014 | Ankara-Turkey
Dr. Mousavi was interviewed by News Agency IRNA on 4 February 2014 in Ankara. While speaking to IRNA, Mousavi expressed that with the sanctions relief, Iran, as an important country in the region and an influential member of the D-8 Organization, can find its real status in global trade and among the D-8 Member Countries its abundant economic and trade capacities. 
The objectives of D-8 are to improve Member Countries position in the global economy, diversify and create new opportunities in trade relations, enhance participation in decision-making at international level and improve standards of living of the member states.
In this interview, Dr. Mousavi was referring to the upcoming D-8 Summit to be held in Turkey in the last quarter of 2014 and told that he had visited Turkish High Officials such as Minister of foreign affairs and Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecom to make the upcoming D-8 Summit productive. 
He called for implementation of preferential trade agreement among the Member Countries to boost economic cooperation. 
Source: www.irna.ir

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