D-8 Secretariat Visited MUSIAD Headquarter in Istanbul


D-8 Secretary General, H.E Widi Pratikto had recently paid a courtesy visit to MUSIAD (Independent Industrialist and Businessmen’s Association) of Turkey, and warmly welcomed by the President of MUSIAD, H.E Omer Cihad Vardan. Both figures had a productive coordination talks in wide area.

The meeting was largely held to focus on the preparation of the scheduled visit of the President of Turkey, H.E. Abdullah Gul, to Indonesia in early 2011. During the visit, both Governments are slated to sign several Memorandum of Understanding, and in order to better identify the cooperation opportunities between the two countries, D-8 Secretary General would like to focus on several potential area with private sectors. MUSIAD has offered their help to announce this opportunity to its member and encourage them to study the expansion of their business to Indonesia.

In the meeting, D-8 Secretariat also introduces their newly launched Business Forum Web page, and encourage the MUSIAD members to register and post their business inquiries there.

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