D-8 plans to launch news network

27 November 2013, Tehran-Iran
D-8 Secretary-General, Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi visited the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) headquarter in Tehran on 27 November 2013. In a meeting with Mr. Mohammad Khodadi, President of IRNA, Dr. Mousavi stated that D-8 has planned to set up a news network and it hopes to accomplish this plan before the next D-8 Summit in 2014. “Before IRNA, I have exchanged fruitful discussions with AA, ANTARA, and MENA on the issue of increasing the visibility and leverage of the Organization through a closer cooperation among D-8 news agencies. During my meeting with Director-Generals of these agencies, we came to this conclusion together with other news agencies from Member Countries, that we can shape a closer cooperation among D-8 countries”, he added.

Mr. Khodadi expressed that IRNA is ready to help D-8 to launch the news network and to render services and assist D-8 Secretariat to accomplish establishing such network. “Thanks to its invaluable experiences, IRNA could provide D-8 Secretariat with good services”, he said.

Secretary-General Mousavi thanked Mr. Khodadi for his views and contribution to the news agencies cooperation process. He underlined that it is an important aspect for D-8’s visibility and reflects the implementations and news material sharing among the member agencies. “As I already pointed out, as Secretariat, we expect our Member Countries’ contributions to cover D-8 activities and events more often. I believe by setting up such network, we will increase the visibility of the Organization and also promote cooperation among the Member Countries”, he concluded.
Photos of this visit can be viewed form the link below

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