D-8 Industry Ministers met on the occasion of the 4th D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Industry

26-28 January 2015, Tehran-Iran
The 4th D-8 Ministerial Meeting on Industry was successfully held on 28 January 2015 in Tehran, Iran with high-level participation from the Member Countries. 
Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi, the D-8 Secretary-General, expressed his appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially to the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade of Iran for hospitality extended to the delegations as well as excellent arrangements made to host the meeting. 
Dr. Mousavi mentioned that the Ministerial meeting would be more fruitful if the follow-up works are effectively pursued in terms of implementing the decisions in the Ministerial forum. He also stressed that the Member States utilize their existing capacities to initiate feasibility studies and explore the potential to implement feasible projects with a view to concretizing industrial cooperation. He also underscored the need on the part of the Member States to be more proactive in implementing and following up the outcomes made by the Task Forces and Working Groups. 
The D-8 Secretary-General emphasized that a harmonized action on implementation of projects and commitment towards collective partnership were the pre-requisites for success; implementation of projects and close cooperation with government and private sector are vital not only for the industrial cooperation but also for other areas of cooperation.
He stressed that the Organization developed policies and cooperative framework during the past years since establishment. Now, it is high time that the Organization moved forward to implement the decisions taken in the previous meetings and this meeting in order to realize the policies into tangible actions. 
On the sideline of the Ministerial Plenary, the Ministers/Heads of Delegations of the D-8 Member States witnessed the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SME Governmental Bodies of the D-8 Member States by representatives from People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Arab Republic of Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Federal Republic of Nigeria and Republic of Turkey. The MoU envisages, among others, improvement of economic and commercial cooperation as well as contribution in enhancing competitiveness of SMEs in the D-8.
The Secretary-General wished a resounding success of the meeting in Tehran and expressed high hope that the Member States would pursue the decisions and agreements. 
Photos of this meeting can be viewed from the following link:

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