D-8 FCCI Secretary-General Paid an Official Visit to the Secretariat

ISTANBUL TURKEY 12 September, 2012
Mr. Farzad Mehrani, the new Secretary-General of the D-8 Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (D-8 FCCI) paid an official visit to the D-8 Headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey on 12 September 2012 and met with D-8 Secretary-General, Dr. Widi A. Pratikto. During the meeting, they exchanged views on a wide range of issues, and Mr. Mehrani presented a copy of the D-8 FCCI Draft Action Plan 2013-2014.
The Draft Action Plan 2013-2014 envisages three main steps for rendering needs-assessed services for the year 2013; namely Web-Based Trade Facilitation Services, Business Supportive Services, and Special Secretarial Services. The Draft, which has been recently sent for the consideration of the Member Countries,  will be discussed and adopted at a later stage. The D-8 Secretariat is hopeful that the Draft and the wider question of the D-8 FCCI future activities could be discussed in the course of the Commission/Council meetings in Islamabad in late November 2012.   

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