D-8 FCCI Launches New Website to Promote Private Sector Activities Among Member Countries

The Secretariat of D8 Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry is a permanent office in Tehran with primary responsibility of bringing coordination and collaboration among the private sector activists in D8 countries. FCCI Secretariat was established in response to the basic need of a private sector involvement in the acts and plans of D8.
Beside the private sector activities, D-8 FCCI has made an effort to promote closer cooperation among national chambers of commerce and industry of the Member Countries, including through dissemination of information, holding business forums and trade exhibitions and workshops in different Member Countries. 
Recently the FCCI has launched a website with the following address: www.d8fcci.ir which serve as a provider for Web-Based Trade Facilitation Services as laid out in their D-8 FCCI Draft Action Plan 2013-2014.

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