D-8 expedites cooperation in the field of petrochemical industry

13-14 May 2013, Tehran, Iran
D-8 Organization has successfully concluded the 3rd D-8 Petrochemical Task Force Meeting, which was held in Tehran – Iran, between 13-14 May 2013. The meeting was attended by participation from Egypt, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria and Turkey and was a follow up event as agreed in the previous task force meeting on petrochemical, held in Dhaka-Indonesia, on October 2012. The meeting witnessed the active exchange of views on the status of the capacity of D-8 Member States in petrochemical industry as well as the ways and means to enhance the joint of D-8 Member States in petrochemical production and trade.
The meeting agreed on the establishment of  “D-8 Association of Petrochemical Industry” with the sole purpose of promoting petrochemicals production and trade among the D-8 member countries. The meeting decided to convene the first open-ended Ad Hoc meeting on D-8 Association of Petrochemical Industry simultaneously with the 4th Petrochemical Task Force Meeting within the first quarter of 2014 in Iran.
It was also agreed to conduct a study on the status and capacity of human, technical and the financial resources appropriate for the implementation of joint venture petrochemical projects as well as to establish a website on different aspects of the petrochemicals industry in order to enhance the integration and networking among D-8 Member States.
Photos of this meeting can be viewed from our gallery photo or by clicking here.

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