D-8 and SESRIC work closely to enhance institutional partnership

07 February 2018, Ankara-Turkey
The D-8 Secretary-General, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, paid a courtesy call on Ambassador Musa Kulakl?kaya, the Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), a subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), at the latter’s office in Ankara on 7th February, 2018. 
Ambassador Kulakl?kaya warmly welcomed the Secretary-General and wished him success in his new position. He mentioned that all the D-8 members are also members of OIC and that it is a good reason to enhance cooperation and solidarity. He specified three areas of possible cooperation, namely information sharing, research and technical cooperation. 
The Secretary-General appreciated Ambassador Kulakl?kaya for the support and assistance rendered to the D-8 by SESRIC and requested more specific and compartmentalised statistics on D-8 Member States. He pointed out that with the 9th Summit held in October 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey assumed the role of the Chairmanship that marked the beginning of the 2nd cycle of policy implementation for the Organization. He also briefed the Director General about the new projects that are to be embarked upon and thanked him for the warm reception and seconded the views expressed by him on the need to intensify cooperation so that both Organizations would reap maximum benefits for the common good of their Member States. 

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