Ambassador Imam of D-8 hosts BSEC Secretary-General, seeks stronger cooperation between the two organizations

The Secretary General of Developing Eight Organization for Economic Cooperation Countries (D-8), H.E. Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam, has played host to the Secretary General of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), H.E. Ambassador Lazar Comanescu, who paid a courtesy visit to D-8 Secretariat in Istanbul, Turkey on Monday 31 January 2022.

Receiving the visiting BSEC Secretary General in his office, Ambassador Imam sought for stronger cooperation between the two fast rising Intergovernmental Organizations in order to achieve the overall objectives for which they were established.

On his part, the Secretary General of BSEC, Ambassador Comanescu expressed pleasure with the subsisting Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between D-8 and BSEC and intimated of his readiness to cooperate further with a view to strengthen the MoU for their mutual benefits.

While congratulating Ambassador Imam on his assumption of office as D-8 Secretary General and wishing him a successful tenure, Ambassador Comanescu used the opportunity of his visit to extend an invitation to D-8 Organization to attend the BSEC Special Summit, which will take place in June this year. The Summit will form part of the activities to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the founding of BSEC as an organization.

In his response, Ambassador Imam congratulated BSEC on its forthcoming 30th Anniversary celebration and praised the tremendous achievements recorded so far by the organization in the last three decades, and said that the D-8 organization would equally be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of its founding at the same time.

The two Ambassadors during their discussions extensively reviewed various activities of their respective organizations, including vital areas of mutual interests, future cooperation and activities they could jointly carried out, with special focus on growing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and networking of the business communities of both organizations for economic development.

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