Transportation » Civil Aviation
The 1st D-8 WGCA and Director Generals’ Meeting was held in late June 2007 (Antalya, Turkey), where the importance of cooperation in the field of Civil Aviation and its manifold benefits were underlined.
The 2nd Director Generals of Civil Aviation Meeting was held in (8- 10 September 2007, Isfahan, Iran) agreed, inter alia, on the need for private sector engagement and emphasized the critical importance of flight safety and security to D-8 countries. It also underlined the importance of D-8 cooperation, on a permanent and sustainable manner, specifically in the areas of maintenance, training, terminal and airport operations, and ground handling.
The 3rd D-8 WGCA and Director Generals’ Meeting was held in (17-18 June 2008, Bali, Indonesia) undertook to address and discuss the potentials and challenges of cooperation between and among the D-8 countries, also at the level of private sectors. Three areas of cooperation; air navigation systems; aircraft maintenance; and airport infrastructure, received particular attention at the meeting. During the meeting Indonesia informed the participants about the development of a Strategic Plan on Civil Aviation called “Roadmap to Safety”, covering the three main elements of safety, security, and services.
The 4th D-8 Working Group on Civil Aviation and Director Generals Meeting(26-27 November 2010, Antalya, Turkey) focused on the importance of the role of private sectors. The meeting was informed that as an initial step the private sectors of Indonesia and Turkey had met and agreed to initiate cooperation in the areas of airport infrastructure and operations.
The 5th D-8 Working Group on Civil Aviation and Director Generals Meeting(8-9 June 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia), with the participation of the private sector participation of some member countries, discussed the wide range of potentials areas for cooperation. The meeting also discussed the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) of the Task Force on Training and Commercial Issues; Task Force on Capacity Building; Task Force on Safety and Security; and Task Force on Air Navigation and Air Traffic Management.
The 6th D-8 Working Group on Civil Aviation And Directors General Meeting( 18th – 19th October 2012, Abuja-Nigeria) Civil aviation investment opportunities, partnerships and co-operation within D-8 countries (public & private sector)
The 7th D-8 Working Group on Civil Aviation And Director Generals Meeting (3-4 June 2013, Dhaka – Bangladesh) Overview on the Current Development and Way Forward of Civil Aviation Cooperation within D-8 Countries and Progress Reports from the Task Forces of Working Group Civil Aviation.
The 8th D-8 meeting of Directors-General and Expert Working Group on Civil Aviation (24-25 august 2014, Dhaka-Bangladesh) The Meeting discussed the current development of D-8 civil aviation cooperation, particularly the works of Task forces, states of capacity building as well as current development of Memorandum of Cooperation between D-8 and ICAO. The meeting would also assess and evaluate the updates the report of Task Forces on Air Navigation & Air Traffic Management, Commercial Issues, Safety & Security and Training & Capacity Building. Individual Task Forces on each of these issues apprised the meeting of the developments so far made.
In addition to the above meetings, the following meetings have also taken place.
The D-8 DGCA Working Group Task Force (6 March 2009, Istanbul, Turkey) discussed the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) prepared by Indonesia. Moreover, as requested by DGCA Turkey, the scope of the Task Force was expanded to include “Airport Infrastructure.” The idea of the establishment of a joint training center among the member countries was also raised and discussed at the meeting.
The D-8 Airport Management Operation and Industrial Cooperation Workshop (
4-6 April 2012, Istanbul, Turkey), which provided the opportunity for private sector meeting, deliberated on various issues, aspects and opportunities for cooperation between D-8 countries in the aviation sector. Participants also exchanged information regarding the development of airport management and operation.
Moreover, the draft of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the establishment of D-8 Member States Working Group for Co-operation in Civil Aviation, which had been prepared at the first meeting of the DGCA in June 2007, was adopted at a meeting in September the same year in Iran. By mid of 2011, all member countries have signed the MoU.
D-8 Aviation Experts participated in Flight Procedure Design Workshop in Iran 3-7 November 2013, Tehran-Iran–
The workshop was aimed to give the participants a better opportunity to provide improved services regarding flight procedure designing. Such workshops will definitely pave the way for the enhancement of instructions and development of aerospace industry’s know-how among the D-8 Countries.
DGCA Turkey hosted the D-8 Workshop on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) on 7 October 2016 at the sideline of the Istanbul Airshow 2016. The workshop was organized to share knowledge and experience on the latest developments in certification, design and manufacturing aspects of RPAS
10th D-8 Directors-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) meeting in Cappadocia, Turkey from 23-24 May 2016. The meeting outcomes:
- Discussion on the draft Multilateral Air Services Agreement between D-8 States would take place under the Task Force on Commercial Issues and Member States would provide their inputs and feedback to the Secretariat.
- Task Force on Safety and Security will be separated to form Task Force on Security and Task Force on Safety. Task Force on Security will be chaired by Turkey with Pakistan as Co-Chair. Task Force on Safety will be chaired by Malaysia.
- Malaysia will work on harmonization of safety standards under the Task Force on Safety. A questionnaire will be developed in line with EASA regulations as a reference document.
- Turkey will work to develop ‘D-8 National Security Auditor Certification Program’ as a common project and liaise with Malaysia in this regard.
- Turkey will organize a workshop on RPAS regulations in September 2016 in Turkey.
- D-8 Secretariat will create an e-forum for continuous discussion on issues under each Task Force. The Secretariat will inform the Member States of the status for the further dissemination among Member States.
11th D-8 Directors-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan from 27-28 November 2017
Islamabad Plan of Action
1. Establishing a pool of experts and suggesting a mechanism to provide assistance to D-8 Member Countries on Civil Aviation Areas e.g. USOAP-CMA, PBN, Security, SSP/SMS, EASA Based Regulations etc.
• The meeting agreed to have a framework for D-8 SOO for which the Member States will provide the inputs to the text provided by the Turkish delegation as attached.
• Pakistan Volunteered to channel requests for Experts and PBN and get the right states to send same to the needy states.
• Pakistan suggested a Security Forum for which Turkey volunteered to establish and manage. Nigeria offered to work with Turkey to train Security Inspectors.
• Any Country from D-8 that wishes to have support impending the USOAP audit shall be provided with inspectors in the requested discipline.
2. Cooperation in formulating a regulatory framework for UAS / Drones.
• Turkey offered to host the Work Shop in the summer of 2018.
• Existing regulations formulated by Turkey and Malaysia will be put on D-8 Website to facilitate the other Member States.
• All interested Member States shall seek vetting of their regulations from Member States that have acquired higher level of expertise in this area.
3. Utilization of Flight inspection facility and capabilities available with Pakistan.
• Pakistan offered utilization of Flight Inspection facility and capabilities on cost to cost basis.
• Iran volunteered to head the research group for flight calibration related regulations and alternates.
4. Cooperation with a suggested Country in Volunteer role for strengthening adoption of EASA based regulations.
• Turkey offered to host a Workshop on SAFA inspectors training before 31st March 2018.
• Turkey volunteered to extend assistance on regulatory / oversight matters.
5. Cooperation on Aviation Environmental Challenges / CORSIA implementation.
• The meeting agreed that Member States should prepare information papers on status, challenges and the way forward to the Secretariat in 6 months.
6. Sharing Training Facilities and Expertise among D-8 Countries in various disciplines of Aviation.
• Pakistan offered training and accommodation at its top of the line training facility at Hyderabad, Member states will only cover traveling and meals.
• Turkey proposed for exchange of instructors.
7. Sharing experiences of Outsourcing / Privatization of Airports and aviation.
• Member States agreed to mutually share their experiences on request.
8. Encouraging and Supporting Growth of General Aviation in D-8 Countries through suitably tailored Regulatory Reforms and Policy Initiatives.
• The Meeting Noted that general aviation needed more development in D-8 Member States
• Turkey Volunteered to send a questionnaire to all Member States based on which they would also host a seminar/workshop to address these issues.
The 12th Meeting of the D-8 DG and Experts Working Group on Civil Aviation held, in hybrid format, in Bali, Indonesia from 20 21 October, 2022 with the participation of delegates from 5 member countries and the private sector. Highlights of the discussion and decisions reached are as follows:
- The meeting proposed and subsequently agreed on convening meetings of the Task Forces on a regular basis, such as biannually.
- The meeting agreed to amend the ‘Terms of Reference’ of the Task Force on Commercial Issues and underscored the commencement of cooperation of this Task Force.
- The meeting noted that a member states of D-8, Malaysia, has officially achieved International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Category 1 by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.
- The meeting noted Turkiye’s new approach in the area of training and capacity building in the area of civil aviation and its willingness to share experience on its newly adopted approach.
- The meeting noted Pakistan presentation on its state-of-the-art Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI) in Hyderabad, Pakistan, and its willingness to arrange customized training courses for D-8 Member States, while member states were urged to share information on their training programs with Pakistan.
- To further enhance cooperation between Malaysia and D-8 Member States, Malaysian delegate offered the following categories of online training courses, under Malaysian Aviation Academy (MAvA) in 2023.
- Performance Based Navigation (PBN) for Air Traffic Controller (ATC)
- Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) for Air Navigation Services Providers(ANSPs).
- The meeting urged member states to utilise the E-forum created by the Secertaiat on theD-8 website, under each Task Force, while D-8 Secretariat is to share the login details of the E-Forum with all member states.
- The Republic of Turkiye updated the meeting on the draft of the D-8 Multilateral Agreement on Air Services and urged member states to finalize the agreement as soon as possible.
- Pakistan informed the meeting that only three member countries i.e., Iran, Malaysia, and Turkiye, had direct air connections with Pakistan and urged the remaining member countries to encourage their national and local airlines to build flight links with Pakistan.
- The meeting enjoined member states to volunteer hosting of the 13th Meeting of the D-8 DG and Experts Working Group on Civil Aviation.
- PT Dirgantara Indonesia, a private airline operator, made a presentation on prospective D- 8 connection. They also proposed for the formation of a partnership between PT Dirgantara Indonesia and the D-8 countries.
- PT Dirgantara Indonesia also urged the D-8 Member States to develop a collaborative aircraft certification program and showed its willingness to share its expertise, knowledge, and information on its operations with the D-8 Countries.
- Appropriate attendance at the subsequent meetings may be ensured by all member states.
- Member states may utilize the training facilities, as offered by Malaysia, Pakistan and Türkiye.
- Names and contact details of Focal Points for the four Task Forces may be conveyed to the Secretariat, for coordinating the biannual meetings of the Task Forces.
- All member states are enoined to submit their views and comments on the draft ‘D-8 Multilateral Agreement on Air Services’ in a timebound manner.
- Member States that have desgniated Airport as D-8 Airports in their respective countries are enjoined to establish D-8 counters to promote people-to-people and Business-to-Business contacts as well as tourism and travel facilitation among all Member States.
- Member States are enjoined to volunteer hosting of the 13th Meeting of the D-8 DG and Experts Working Group on Civil Aviation to preserve continuity and brotherly spirit that exists between us in D-8 Organization.

Promoting Connectivity and Collaboration: D-8 Airports
In an effort to foster vibrant interactions between individuals, businesses, and tourism across all Member States, the following airports have been designated as D-8 Airports:
- Jinnah International Airport (Karachi, Pakistan)
- Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Jakarta, Indonesia)
- Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport (Abuja, Nigeria)
- Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (Istanbul, Turkey)
These airports have been selected with the aim of facilitating seamless people-to-people and business-to-business engagements, as well as promoting tourism and travel among all D-8 Member States. By designating these airports, we intend to enhance connectivity and encourage collaboration, ultimately fostering stronger ties and mutual understanding among nations.
AAhmar Ismailhi06-08-2023 04:10 am
AAhmar Ismailhi06-08-2023 04:10 am
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