Executive Director (1997-2006)
Ambassador Ayhan Kamel
Born in 1933, he graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, in 1954 and also subsequently another degree from the Faculty of Law from the same University. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1960 and held a number of positions at the Ministry, and served as the Turkish Ambassador to Islamabad, The Hague, Vienna, and Moscow between 1980 and 1994. Soon after the establishment of the D-8, he was appointed as the Executive Director, a position which he held until the establishment of the Secretariat in 2006. Ambassador Kamel has written a number of scholarly papers on Russia and Turkish- Russian relations and made presentations in seminars on the same subjects. He has also written the following four books in morerecent years: Moscow Memoires, the Genuine Friend: Pakistan, Turkey under the Pincer of Foreign Policy and the Fiasco of Latest Overtures in Foreign Policy.

Secretary-General (2007-2010)
Dr. Dipo Alam
Born in 1949, he received a Bachelor’s degree in School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from the University of Indonesia in 1977, a Master’s degree in Engineering Administration from the George Washington University in 1984 and a PhD in Management in 1989. Before being appointed as D-8 Secretary-General in February 2007, Mr. Alam had served for more than 15 years in a number of official positions in the Government of Indonesia – including Deputy Minister, Coordinating Ministry for the National Economy. He has also participated as a member of the Indonesian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly and accompanied the UN Secretay-General Kofi Annan during his Aceh visit in January 2005 after the Tsunami tragedy. Mr. Alam has served as the Cabinet Secretary Minister of the Government of Indonesia since January 2010.

Secretary-General (2010-2012)
Prof. Widi Agoes Pratikto
Born in 1953, received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Surabaya Institute of Technology (Indonesia), Master’s degree in Ocean Engineering from The George Washington University, and PhD in Coastal and Ocean Engineering from the North Carolina State University. Prof. Pratikto had served in a number of academic and governmental positions in Indonesia and enjoys experience in multilateral cooperation within ASEAN and Asian Development Bank, including serving as the Chairperson of APFIC (Asia – Pacific Fishery Commission). He served as Secretary-General of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries before joining the D-8. He has published a number of books and research papers in the field of marine and fisheries.

Secretary-General (2013-2017)
Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi
Dr. Mousavi is a senior Diplomat of Iran having extensive diplomatic career in different capacities at home and abroad. He worked as Director-General for International Economic Cooperation in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran. He possesses substantial experience in multilateral cooperation and has pursued intergovernmental responsibilities in international fora. He was the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) from 2010 to 2012 and the D-8 Commissioner of Islamic Republic of Iran in 2012. A PhD in Strategic Management from the National Supreme Defense University, Tehran, Dr. Mousavi has several publications and a number of essays (in Persian) in the fields of Energy, Political Economy, Strategic Management, Global Economy, Human Rights and Socio-economic affairs. His interests include, among others, multilateral economic development, strategic management, global political economy etc.

Secretary-General (2018-2021)
Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari
Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari joined the Malaysian Public Service in 1981. In his distinguished diplomatic career in the Foreign Service of Malaysia, he served as Malaysia’s highest envoy in Qatar, Brunei, Egypt and Palestine. He was Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Malaysia in Vientiane, Laos, Zagreb, Croatia as well as in Amman, Jordan. He also served in different diplomatic Missions in different capacities. In addition, He is also serving as Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and in the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS) and Research Center of the Middle-East, the National University of Malaysia and Member of the Advisory Panel of the National University of Malaysia.
At the Foreign Office of Malaysia, Ambassador Ku Jaafar worked in bilateral, multilateral and academic Wings. He overhauled and undertook major works on the restructuring of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) during his office as Undersecretary. He also developed and guided the professional aptitude programme of the Malaysian Diplomats during his office at the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) as its Director-General.
He holds B.A. (Hons) from the University of Malaya and a Diploma in Public Administration.