D-8 SG Congratulated New Turkish D-8 Commissioner in Ankara


On January 18th, 2011, D-8 Secretary General Widi Pratikto paid a courtesy visit to the newly assigned Turkish D-8 Commissioner in Ankara. The new Turkish D-8 Commissioner, H.E. Ambassador Mehmet Gucuk, was previously the Turkish Ambassador in Bulgaria, and had just completed his term at the end of 2010.

H.E Amb. Gucuk is replacing the former Turkish D-8 Commissioner, H.E. Ambassador Hakki Akil, who has been appointed as the Ambassador of Turkey to Rome as of January 2011.

In the cordial meeting, SG extended his congratulation to Amb. Gucuk, and expressed his gratefulness on behalf of the D-8 Organization for the Headquarters Agreements Ratification by the Turkish parliament recently. SG also briefed him about the recent activities of D-8, as well as upcoming activities, ratification and implementation of agreements achieved by D-8 so far.

SG also encouraged him to host a WG meeting (prior to the 29th Session of the Commission) on D-8 Global Vision and Charter as was proposed by Turkey before. If this meeting is held successfully, then Commissioners will be in a position to consider its outcome and fully debate its content in order to be submitted to the D-8 Council of Ministers for final approval.

Amb. Gucuk confirmed his utmost readiness to assist SG and the Secretariat to better prepare and finalize the global vision mapping and charter.

The meeting was closed with the SG extending his wish and confidence that Amb. Gucuk will continue to promote and enhance friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation among member countries in D-8.

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