D-8 Minister Meeting on Industry Successfully Concluded in Istanbul


D-8 Organization has successfully held the 2nd Industrial Ministerial Meeting and 6th Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) during 4-6 October 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey, to strengthen its industrial cooperation among member countries in order to find and secure opportunities for new investment and markets, with the recovery of the global economy continued robustly during the final months of 2010 and into early 2011.

D-8 has previously held its 1st Industrial Ministerial Meeting and the 5th Working Group on Industrial Cooperation (WGIC) in early 2010 in Tehran. At the Tehran Meeting D-8 has tried to utilize existing capacities in order to increase industrial cooperation within its ranks and improve its collective relative weight in the global industry. The “Tehran Declaration” provides a quite pragmatic approach to move in the direction of expanding industrial and technological cooperation amongst us. It also lays out a number of practical policies and measures towards increasing industrial and  market opportunities as well as financial resources.

This meeting designed to take stock of D-8’s collective performance thus far, analyze the situation with each and every Task Force it holds under the Working Group on Industry, and adopt a very objective and realistic approach to their future work, including with respect to the current mechanism of the coordination of Task Forces shared between and among a number of countries – which, in certain cases, might have not proved conducive to achieving the desired pace of dynamism and progress. The emphasize is being put on a number of Task Forces, for example Petrochemical/Fertilizer and Food Production Task Forces, which need to be accorded special attention, since they directly serve to increase food security for and within the D-8 community with almost 1 billion population and quite serious pockets of challenge in this field.

D-8 has had agreement with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on a Memorandum of Understanding covering a wide range of areas of development-related activities, with special emphasis on agriculture and food security. In this special meeting in Istanbul, and at the margins of the Ministerial Meeting, D-8 has also signed M.O.U. with ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization).

Industry ministers of D-8 countries released on Thursday an Istanbul Declaration at the end of their three-day meeting.

Documents resulting from the meeting can be downloaded from the links below.

Photos of the meetings can be viewed from our Gallery (click here)

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