D-8 hosted Expert Meeting on Trade Facilitation Strategy

The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation held an Expert Meeting on Trade Facilitation Strategy on 03rd August, 2021. The meeting was hosted virtually by the D-8 Secretariat, Istanbul. Senior Officials, Trade and Customs experts from the D-8 Member States participated in the meeting.

Ms. Rasha Hamdy, Director-II of the Secretariat, chaired the meeting. She also delivered the welcoming speech of the D-8 Secretary General Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jafaar Ku Shaari. Termed the TF Strategy as a significant addition to the D-8 Preferential Trade Agreement, Mr. Ku Jaafar opined that it would positively invigorate the D-8 Member States to accelerate the process of integrating Member States’ trade facilitation mechanisms with the international fora. He also expressed his high hope that this TF strategy would facilitate and expedite the necessary technical assistance & capacity-building measures required to reap the full benefits of the D-8 PTA.

The esteemed delegations from the member states appreciated the Ministry of Trade, Turkey for their tremendous effort to come up with this draft TF strategy and expressed their expectations that it would reduce the administrative & procedural barriers to trade among the member states and help reach intra-trade target within the stipulated time. The meeting discussed and reviewed the comments made by the member states and finalized the text based on the consensus. It has been decided that another meeting will be convened to finalize the TF strategy and make it complete for adoption.

One thought on “D-8 hosted Expert Meeting on Trade Facilitation Strategy”

  1. Let’s have a rethink on the statement by the Secretary General Distinguish Ambassador Ku Jaafar:

    “……it would positively invigorate the D-8 Member States to accelerate the process of integrating Member States’ trade facilitation mechanisms with the international fora. He also expressed his high hope that this TF strategy would facilitate and expedite the necessary technical assistance & capacity-building measures required to reap the full benefits of the D-8 PTA.”

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