President Erdoğan: “We continue our efforts to ensure the D-8 takes the place it deserves among international bodies”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “As Türkiye, we continue our efforts to ensure the D-8, whose secretariat we host and whose term presidency we held for 3.5 years, takes the place it deserves among international bodies.”

President Erdoğan sent a written message to the opening of the international summit themed “A New World with D-8” organised by the Necmettin Erbakan Foundation at the Çırağan Palace Kempinski Mabeyn Hall.

In his message, wishing that the meeting would be auspicious for the country, the nation, the Islamic world and all humanity, and remembering Prof. Necmettin Erbakan, the founder of the D-8 organisation, the Prime Minister of the 54th government, and the Leader of the National Outlook Movement, with mercy on that occasion, President Erdoğan noted the following:

“The D-8 organisation, founded with the special efforts and skilful leadership of our deceased master, has been fighting for 24 years with the ideal of a more just, free, prosperous and peaceful world. We continue our efforts to ensure the D-8, whose secretariat we host and whose term presidency we held for 3.5 years, takes the place it deserves among international bodies.

At a time when the need for the values advocated by the D-8 has increased with the coronavirus pandemic, it is of great importance for the organisation to update itself, accelerate decision-making processes, and establish additional mechanisms that will foster cooperation between member states. I believe that, with Allah’s permission, we will make the D-8 a much more effective structure by collaborating with other brotherly countries and Bangladesh’s Term Presidency. I say, ‘May Allah be with us and help us’; I wish your meeting to be auspicious, and I offer my most heartfelt feelings to all participants.”


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