Make your country shining city on hill, D-8 urges Nigerians

The D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation (Developing-8) on Wednesday urged Nigerians to continue to work hard toward making the country “the shining city on the hill.”

Secretary-General of the organisation, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari gave the advice in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria.

The Secretary-General was speaking against the backdrop of Nigeria’s 60th independence anniversary on October1.

The D-8 was established in accordance with the Istanbul Declaration at the Heads of State/Governments summit as an organisation for development cooperation among Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Ku Jaafar said that Nigeria had over the years emerged as Africa’s biggest economy and that it had grown to become a lucrative investment destination of choice.

“The country has recorded more than two decades of uninterrupted democratic governance, which indicates mature political-culture and national stability essential for national cohesion and socio-economic development.

“Nigeria has also earned itself a pride of place as an active diplomacy practitioner and a responsible member of the international community, which is also a factor in regional stability and mediatory diplomacy.

“Furthermore, the country has played event-shaping roles in regional affairs and has recorded outstanding global diplomatic accomplishments as a frontline state in the fight against colonialism and apartheid in the African continent.

“It expended enormous energy and resources in order to restore peace to regional countries such as Chad, Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Bissau, as well as Sao Tome and Principé.

“Therefore, Nigerians should continue to work hard with unity of purpose in order to make the country the shining city on the hill,” he said.

He added that because there were no challenges of nation-building that could not be surmounted by citizens and their leaders, “there is hope that Nigeria’s future is bright.”

Ku-Jaafar, who acknowledged the mutually beneficial relations with D-8, said it was heartwarming that Nigeria viewed the organisation as a veritable platform for multilateral cooperation.

“We look forward to deepening this bond by working closely with Nigeria in various sectors.

“Such cooperation affects areas such as agriculture and food security, trade, Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), transport, energy, tourism and health, as well as social protection,” he added.


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