We will open up new avenues of discussion to uncover the creative potential of the developing world: D-8 Secretary-General

The Secretary-General, Ambassador Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, as the special speaker, addressed the World Conference on Creative Economy organized by the Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BeKraf) in Bali, Indonesia, from 6-8 November, 2018.

The programme started with the session of ‘’Friends of Creative Economy’’ held on 6th November, 2018. The session was attended by representatives from governmental departments of several countries, international organizations like UNDP, IDB, UNCTAD as well as economy experts, academics, investors, enterpreneurs and journalists from different parts of the world. Participants had discussions regarding social cohesion, ecosystem and financing, means of creative economy activities, importance of implementation of strategies for creative economy. Some of the participants made presentations during the session regarding their organizations’ activities on creative economy.

The Secretary-General also attended the Welcome Dinner and Gala Dinner organized on the occasion of conference.

Furthermore, Ambassador Ku Jaafar attended the Ministerial Roundtable Meeting on Creative Economy on 7th November, 2018. The meeting discussed strategic key challenges and opportunities, potential areas of cooperation, collaboration and partnerships and other relevant issues including Bali Agenda for Creative Economy and Plan of Action. In that regard, the Secretary-General also made recommendations and shared his experiences and ideas. The meeting also approved that the next World Conference on Creative Economy will be held in the United Arab Emirates in the year 2020.

The Conference continued with Plenary Conferences Sessions where speakers shared their views and experiences with participants regarding creative economy. The Plenary Conferences started with the inaguration speeches of the Chairman of Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF), Mr. Triawan Munaf, the Foreign Minister of Indonesia, H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi, and the Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Rudiantara. In addition to speeches, traditional music and dances were performed during the event.

On the second day of the Plenary Conferences, the Secretary-General, H.E. Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, as special guest, briefed the participants regarding the D-8 Organization and its acitivities and projects. He also shared his views, experiences and ideas on creative economy as well as current economic conditions of the world and future of the D-8. The theme of his speech was ‘’Financing, Investing in the Future of Creative Economy Development’’.

The Conference ended with closing remarks and World Conference on Creative Economy 2018 Declaration.

Secretary-General’s Speech at the World Conference on Creative Economy 2018 in Bali


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