D-8 Secretary-General attends the ADFIMI International Development Forum

The D-8 Secretary-Genera, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari attended the Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI) International Development Forum on “SME Finance and Development in the Age of Digitalization” held at the Marmara Taksim Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey from 11-12 September, 2018. As a panelist, the Secretary-General made a comprehensive presentation titled “SME Development and Finance in D-8: The Past 20 Years and the Road Ahead” in which he summarized the socioeconomic successes of the Organization in the past 20 years and elaborated on the future agenda of D-8 with special emphasis on D-8 SMEs, digitalization and SME finance networks. He emphasized that D-8 SMEs are at different levels of development regarding digitalization and there is great room for improvement and experience sharing for mutual success. He dwelled upon the example of Malaysia as a Member-Country and presented the country’s SME Bank as a unique platform that specializes in the financing of SMEs. He also informed the participants about the existing business and funding networks of D-8 including the D-8 FCCI, the Project Support Fund and the MoU signed with the Islamic Development Bank. Furthermore, he elaborated on the fledgling KOMEPS D8P Card Project which is to be launched in the near future.
ADFIMI, is an autonomous and independent international organization that aims at bringing its Member States closer in economic and cultural ties. Its mission is to bolster the development of financial sector and the real economy and to promote trade and investment for sustainable economic development.

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